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This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
When we found out, in 2004, that we were having a son I secretly freaked. Not because I didn?t want a boy, I just couldn?t help but visualize him terrorizing girls, racing cars on the backstreets of Atlanta, or burning down his high school gym. I had virtually convinced myself, before he was much larger than a golfball, that I?d have to send him off to a far away boarding school or juvenile detention center. Fortunately my anxiety waned after Bubba was born and as we celebrate his seventh birthday this weekend I couldn?t imagine my life now without him in it.
For a lot of dads the thought of raising boys seem almost unnatural. That unless sports is involved, dads are challenged to find ways of connecting with their son, and with so much of parenting being about nurture and affection many men simply aren?t able to give what they never received. Because so many of our fathers missed the parenting gold star with us, we weren?t handed the necessary road map giving us proper directions on taking our own sons into manhood. And that isn?t necessarily our dad?s fault as most of their fathers didn?t perform the task any better.
Then adding insult to injury is the contradiction in society about what a man ought to look like. Should the Marlboro Man, that rugged loner who wrangles steers and sits by camp-fires, personify the ideal man? (That same guy so many women are asking ?where has he gone to??) Or should men be like Will Truman (Will and Grace), docile and passive, eager to watch sappy chick flicks and express every plausible emotion that comes into their heads?
Men?s locker rooms, the golf course, and biker rallies force each man to ratchet up the inner machismo; where hot chicks, homophobic jokes, and fast cars tend to dominate the conversation. Today?s dads know that in these settings being a Pee Wee Herman will ensure your feelings get hurt and may land you an atomic wedgie. But we also understand that once everyone gets off the Isle of Man, being Maximus (Gladiator) might get you condemned for being insensitive, too assertive, overtly macho, and too ambitious. Not surprising, it?s this same man who gets the blame for most of the world?s ills.
Being faced with this quandary I decided early on to approach fathering my son in stages. The first, his infant and childhood stage, has been to simply protect, nurture, show affection, and keep him from running into traffic. To pour on the kisses, hugs and snuggles even if, at his young age, it felt strange to show that kind of tenderness to a boy; but as he responded and reciprocated it has become as natural as for his sister. This includes telling him how much I love him even if he is less than eager to respond in kind.
So it?s been my job for the last seven years to ensure that he knows his place as the apple of my eye and treat him as that child that he has been. However with his seventh birthday comes a turning point in his life, in my view he has shed the clothing of a child and is ready to begin donning the garments that will carry him into adulthood. This birthday weekend will serve as an initiation ritual ushering in the next stage of his life ? that of boyhood.
Virtually unheard of in the western world, male initiation rites have been conducted for centuries across civilizations. The most well-known in today?s culture, the Bar Mitzvah requires boys of 13 to read from the Torah. From this point, they are officially considered men and are personally responsible for adherence to Jewish law and their own actions. But it was the movie 300 that brought a historical context to the male rite of passage. At the age of seven, a Spartan boy would be yanked from his family to live with other boys in a school called the Agoge until reaching the age of 29. There he would learn all that was needed to be a productive Spartan man and especially a warrior. Records show that the training was brutal and often included murder as a proof of manhood. While our civilized society would view this as despicable, some of today?s more primitive cultures continue to practice male initiation rites which aren?t recommended for those with weak constitutions.
In the Sambia tribe of New Guinea, boys are removed from female company at around the age of 7 to live only with men in the form of clubhouse until they are married. They are forced to have regular nosebleeds and consume semen which is considered essential to encouraging masculine growth and development.
With the Mardudjara Aborigines in Australia, between 10 and 12 years of age, a boy will have a front tooth knocked out and his septum will be pierced. At this point, they are symbolically dead. After which they are taken into the wilderness by other men, then circumcised and expected to ingest the foreskin without chewing. Then, covered in blood, they are considered reborn as adult males.
Fortunately for Bubba and I his ritual will be conducted in more hospitable surroundings. It will be just him and I, a tent, sleeping bags, hotdogs, marshmallows with chocolate, graham crackers and a new boy?s bicycle. Because if self mutilation and drinking bodily fluid is what it takes to be a man, he?s on his own
Kyle (aka ChopperPapa) is naive enough to believe he has something important to say. He?s been a parent in the modern family since 2004, co-parenting his enchanting daughter (8) and rambunctious son (7) with the skill of a British nanny. With an itching to be a Hell?s Angel he?s far too metro sexual to actually get in; leaving him to direct his custom chopper towards the nearest martini lounge, but only if they serve buffalo wings and have hookahs. With a fondness for cold beer, loud engines, and fresh bed sheets it?s clear he has an identity crisis. By day he?s a banker which keeps the lights on and the child support paid, in his remaining 46 minutes he blogs, sleeps, works out, courts his Queen, and performs Academy worthy parenting feats. is home base for laying down his observations on single fatherhood, parenting, relationships, dating, and other intellectual roadkill. Blogging since late ?10, he?s amassed a loyal following of distant relatives and mental patients.
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Slowing turning to stone
The principal driver of cardiovascular disease - leading to ailments like heart attack, stroke, loss of circulation to limbs, impotence, declining eyesight and dementia - is calcium deposition into soft tissues - including the blood vessels - aided by chronic inflammation (More about inflammation in a future article).
My Hair Tissue Mineral Analyses, which now cover several years, show how I reversed this most unwanted process of gradually turning to stone.
Arteriosclerosis is the deposition of calcium in the walls of the arterial blood vessels of the body. ?This causes a gradual loss of flexibility and scarring of the blood vessels. ?there is a progressive die-off of the tiniest of blood vessels (arterioles) and this may be seen as purple spider veins on the cheeks, chin, legs and ankles. ?As this process of arterial calcification and tiny blood vessel die-off progresses, there is a gradual increase in blood pressure and a steady reduction of blood flow to the limb and organs, including the brain. ?When your optometrist looks into the rear of your eyes, one of the things she is assessing is the health of the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina: Arteriosclerosis causes a progressive die-off of these tiny vessels. ?Arteriosclerosis explains why cardiovascular related ailments are the leading causes of?disability and death in New Zealand.Arteriosclerosis happens when there is an imbalance of calcium circulating in the body relative to quite a number of nutrients, including magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, selenium and various other nutrients including pyridoxine and vitamin D.Toxins?such as mercury and lead,??even in the tiniest amounts, may?interfere with calcium metabolism, leading to calcium deposition in unwanted places like the joints and blood vessels. ?High calcium plus toxic elements gives you a double whammy of calcium deposition.Excess Calcium = Premature Ageing
If circulating calcium can not be properly utilised inside the cells, such as for bone, muscle and nerve function, it will end up precipitating into the spaces between the cells of the soft tissues, causing them to be clogged by chalk. ?This chalkiness may contribute to transparent dry skin, fine wrinkles, brittle nails, lifeless hair and unsightly spider veins. ?Deposition in joints drives arthritis. ?Because excess calcium affects thyroid function, the affected person may feel very tired, suffer cold hands and feet, sleep restlessly and gain weight about the hips and waist. Libido may be poor to non-existent.
Reversing arteriosclerosis
Everything I have been taught, to date, is that the processes of arteriosclerosis are progressive and irreversible: All that can be done is to mask or alleviate the symptoms with drugs and surgery. ?This is a bleak point of view: Dementia, impotence, stroke, heart attack, arthritis - inevitable? ?We now know that this process of calcification can be halted and even reversed. ?But it does take time and a whole lot of effort.
Please refer to the charts above: These document the commencement and the ongoing process of my body mobilising and then dumping excess calcium from my soft tissues over several years. ?During this period, I have repeated the Hair Tissue Mineral Analyses?about once a year to guide me as to what I should be doing with my diet and supplementation.
The first chart hints of the imbalances that drive the the process of calcium deposition into the soft tissues. ?Dietary and supplement measures were then put in place to reverse this process and this appears in the next chart as improvements in the uptake of Mg and other minerals and an associated dump of excess calcium. The second and the third charts show this dumping gather astonishing pace, while the fourth and fifth charts show that the calcium dump has peaked and is now in decline but still continuing to this day.
The process of "detoxification" can bring about periods of discomfort when it may be that you feel you are going backwards. ?In my case, when I look at the big picture of progress overall, since 2007, the gains have been absolutely amazing! ?I feel half my age and the stop watch does not lie - My athletic performance is at least as good as it was during my 30's. ?Incidentally, I am carrying more muscle than I did back then which is unusual because muscle is lost as we get older - and this despite no longer working out in a gym.
Here are some of the things I have noticed have improved since 50 years:
A good measure of general health, including circulation is libido which, for me, is at least as good as it was decades ago; but that's as much detail as you're going to get out of me!
I have been keeping an eye on my cholesterol for over 20 years and it has been steadily creeping up, even despite being on a cholesterol lowering diet. ?For the first time ever, cholesterol levels have started to trend down. ?And this is despite my quadrupling my intake of fats and proteins during the same period!
Skin Kerastoses
I used to visit the dermatologist about once every two years to get precancerous skin kerastoses burned off - there has been no need for the last five years because they have all dropped off or faded away!
Joint Arthritis
Blood Pressure
My blood pressure at 50 years was all over the place, often above 150/90 and at times less than 100/60. ?It is now consistently about 120/80 and I can fell the difference.
I did consult a cardiologist about ten years ago regarding an excessively low pulse and irregular rhythm. ?At one point, my peak pulse in a lab stress test was 109 beats per minute! ?Normal maximum pulse is 220- Your Age, so I was in trouble back then. ?Both these issues have completely resolved in line with what is indicated in the Hair Tissue Analysis Reports; but the real proof is the regaining of my sporting Mojo in quite spectacular fashion. ?My peak heart rate during exercise is now slightly over 180 beats per minute which is excellent for my age and there are very few veteran male athletes in New Zealand who can outdo me on the cardiovascular stamina front.
The Challenge Ahead
This exercise of improving and maintaining good health is never finished because the natural processes of ageing dictate that one's physiology must eventually fall into terminal disrepair, resulting in death. ?The challenge is to keep the wheels of the machinery of life bolted on tight and turning despite the ravages of time and life itself. ?Of course, this exercise of staying healthy gets more difficult as time passes. ?Depressing as it might be to think about these matters, I actually find it to be a fascinating challenge.
My goal is to die healthy, quickly and with a smile. ?Hopefully I will wake up one morning only to discover I am dead. ?Hopefully that is many years away!
The advice in these articles is given freely without promise or obligation. ?Its all about giving you and your family the tools and information to take control of your health and fitness. ?Please give me your support by
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Home Page> Internet> Web Design> pros and cons of Drupal Web Development pros and cons of Drupal Web Development Posted: June 1, 2010 | Comments:: 0 |]]>
Drupal is one of the two leading open source content management system web design platforms in its basic form, out of the box, Drupal can be used to create a site that is essentially an on-line. to build marketing brochure. It can also be used to build a simple single user blog or community site for user-generated content.
Drupal was also the customization. A drupal web developer who is an expert in the intricacies of the platform to build a completely unique and award-winning Web site, the content of e-commerce, management, plant protection, account management and news feeds. Drupal can also be designed to slideshows, Flash, and what otherwise be required or even a web page.
There is a very active community of Drupal developers and designers who use their know-how to build plug-in modules, the basic to extend Drupal?s functionality to meet the needs of their customers. There are in fact more than 4,500 add-on modules, which were from the community of Drupal development specialists wrote
The basic / core version of Drupal has many desirable properties.
Blogs, books, comments forum survey descriptive URLsBenutzerprofileWorkflow-tools more visual topics, the color can be changed to allow for the adjustment of non-professionalsDrupal uses a system of ?hooks and callbacks? for modular add-ons. These are called internally using an API. makes this feature it is possible to virtually add any modules or additional visual themes, without importing the core code. This design feature is the full change allows simultaneous facilitate upgrades to new releases or enhancements without compelling platform, the add-on module coding.
Drupal developers and Web designers either their own add-on modules for the required functionality or download, ? the other members of the Drupal development community. Some of the add-on modules currently either build bridges to other applications such as e-commerce platforms ? or additional features ? such as podcasting, photo galleries, peer-to-peer networks, newsletters and much more.
Although Drupal is easy to use and must have its users believe it has a good set of documentation is to consider that the surveyed web developers and website designers were. Others believe Drupal has a very steep learning curve. There were also complaints that some parts of the administrator?s interface are confusing and that the interface to non-technical people have been intimidating. One critic called the administrative interface and ?clunky cryptic.? The developers of Drupal not invest time and effort in ensuring the backward compatibility (seamless blend with earlier versions) in every aspect of the platform. require This can be a developer to revise some of the customization code to all aspects of a website fully compatible familiar with the latest version of Drupal.
In short, Drupal is a very robust content management system platform can be used to take a unique web presence with all the features you might want to create. This unique (and sometimes winning) side of the time to develop. Drupal is less developed for the average small business owner, and built much more for the creativity and ingenuity of expert web designers and website developers.
Both the visual and aural aesthetics of a website and the content (including the way content is added) can be customized or used in its generic form. Drupal probably offers the greatest flexibility for high-end busy sites that require the greatest range of functionality and flexibility. Drupal is also the first choice too complex by many designers to manage and constantly changing content in a variety of formats and accessibility. Since all content is fully indexed, it is at all times and in all modules or components of the searchable website. The comments thread model simplifies also comments and discussions on all published content.
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(ArticlesBase SC # 2515013)
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As a general manager at WebsiteDesignAndMore. com, on a daily basis I work closely with small business owners who try to navigate their way through the maze of business obstacles overcome to build a successful business. must
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Whether or not you are hunting to invest in a new cookware collection or you are searching for the best present to a cherished a single, a cast iron teapot may well be anything for you to look at. Despite the continual emergence of new and hello-tech kitchenware virtually each day, most professional cooks and professional chefs nevertheless hold their cast iron cooking utensils as some of their prized possessions. There are a lot of reasons why this content has managed to stand the check of time. The first cause is exactly that- these utensils can stand the check of time. Not like other non-iron kitchenware that will get worn out above the decades, iron pans, pots and skillets are in a position to final for several generations. Some households even pass down their cookware from era to generation as portion of the heirloom.
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When searching for a cast iron teapot, you will come across numerous designs and patterns. The most well-known design would most likely be the kettle teapot which arrives with a lid and a round shape. Simply because they resemble the traditional teapots utilised by the Japanese for their tea ceremonies, this variety of teapot is also regarded as the tetsubin. Deciding upon the ideal teapot can be exciting, specifically considering that you get to choose the design that matches your style. If you like additional older-fashioned models then you can opt for a teapot with a basket-weave style. If you want one thing that will match the floral theme of your cookware then you can get a floral teapot. If you want something present day and out-of-the-box, you can also choose for square teapots that are now accessible.
A cast iron teapot can very last for quite a few years supplied that you just take great treatment of it. One particular of the things that you want to bear in mind is to under no circumstances place your teapot inside of the dishwasher. Cleansing a cast iron cooking utensil calls for much more time and treatment. You have to also never ever place your teapot inside a microwave as the warmth can hurt the materials. When washing these utensils, you ought to also avoid making use of brushes, tough sponges and other abrasive cleaning components as this can scratch off the layer of the teapot. Even harsh soaps or detergents are not advisable. Rather, use warm drinking water or tea when cleansing.
For an end supply on cast iron teapot please go to us.
avoiding energy zappers
Each and every one of us could use a little more energy. Here are 4 valuable tips to keep your energy levels tip top.
Cut the Sugar:
Sugar has a tendency to be a craving and a curse all at once. It tastes good going down and keeps you from feeling ?up?. When you crave something sweet, its important to have something else ready and available to eat instead. Try to choose snacks that have a small amount of carbohydrates to give you a measurable amount of energy for your day like whole grain crackers and low-fat cheese, fresh fruit or a small box of raisins and low-fat cheese or plain, nonfat yogurt blended with fruit.
Watch The Coffee:
Caffeine is another substance that will give us the wake up call that we need, but leave us hanging later on. Try to choose the decaffeinated version of your favorite beverage like coffee, tea or cola and avoid using caffeine to help you stay awake; this will only throw off your natural sleep cycle and promote your low energy levels.
Keep Hydrated:
With our busy lifestyles, it is easy to forget to drink water throughout the day. We need water to flush out toxins, keep our energy levels elevated and to keep our tissues hydrated. It contains no calories, so you can drink as much of it as you want to, and if you need some variety, add a lemon or lime slice to it. You can also make homemade lemonade with lemon, water and Fructevia, Steviva Blend or Steviva Brands Pure Stevia Powder.
Keep Moving:
Whether or not you exercise consistently, the amount of exercise that you get (or don?t get) could be contributing to your lack of energy. While exercise energizes us physically, mentally and emotionally, we feel more sluggish without it. On the other hand, when we do exercise, it enhances our mood by releasing endorphins, a ?feel good? chemical that increases energy levels. Hopefully it will encourage us to exercise more?. but not too much. Overtraining will deplete your energy reserves, break down muscle and make you feel weaker instead of stronger. Exercising too much could suppress your immune system, which could increase your chances of a bacterial or viral invasion, making you more vulnerable to illness. So make sure that you stay in control of your workout sessions and the frequency of them.
Have an excellent day.
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True Blood Season 4 Episode 1
The fourth season belonging to the television series True Blood Season 4 will comprise 12 episodes, bringing the series total to 48. The True Blood season 4 premiere on June 26, 2011. It will be loosely in line with the fourth novel inside Southern Vampire Mysteries series, Dead to the World. Watch True Blood season 4 episode 1 online is definitely American television drama series created and due to in watch True Blood season 4 episode 1 online Alan Ball. It is usually dependant upon the Southern Vampire Mysteries a list of novels by Charlaine Harris, and details the co-existence of vampires and humans in Bon Temps, an imagined, small town during the state of Louisiana. The series centers on Sookie Stackhouse (played by actress Anna Paquin), a telepathic waitress within a bar, who falls crazy about vampire Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer). Option watch True Blood season 4 episode 1 online.
The True Blood season 4 episode 1 which is broadcast to the premium cable network HBO in the. It?s always put together by HBO in colaboration with Ball?s production company, The face Goes Here Entertainment. It premiered on September 7, 2008. The main season received critical acclaim and won several awards, including one Golden Globe plus an Emmy. The show?s second 12-episode season had its premiere on June 14, 2009 and also the third season on June 13, 2010. On June 21, 2010, HBO renewed watch True Blood season 4 episode 1, set to debut on June 26, 2011.
The True Blood season 4 premiere certainly is the mixing romance, suspense, mystery and humor, TRUE BLOODseason 4 takes add the not-too-distant future, when vampires have come straight from the coffin, because of invention of mass-produced synthetic blood which means they no longer need humans to provide a nutritional source. watch True Blood season 4 episode 1 online this show follows the romance between waitress Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin), individuals hear people?s thoughts, and her boyfriend, 173-year-old vampire Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer), who went missing in the end of True Blood season 4 premiere, and it?s the object of the frantic search. Alan Ball (creator on the Emmy?-winning HBO series ?Six Feet Under?) created and executive produces the show, that could be using the best-selling Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris.
HBO has renewed the hit show True Blood season 4 premiere in a 12-episode fourth season, that it was announced today by Michael Lombardo, president, HBO Programming. To watch True Blood season 4 episode 1 online Designed by Alan Ball, the series will start output of new episodes early the new year in Texas, with debut set for summer 2011. ?The new TRUE BLOOD Season 4 is to an awesome start, as enthusiasm of this unique show continues to build among both subscribers and critics,? noted Lombardo. ?We?re awaiting more chills from Alan Ball and his awesome gifted team buy.? My organization is beyond thrilled to be able to continue working together with this phenomenal cast and crew,? says Ball. ?This is one of fun to watch True Blood season 4 premiere online That i have ever had.?
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As a physician and researcher Podiatric for over 30 years, I had a passion for understanding the connection between the mechanics of the foot and the overall health of the body. I still remember my professor of biomechanics to say how the patient is walking not only affects the overall health of the feet, but also the general health of the body. "At that time I have not quite realized how prophetic his statement was.
Since the footFunctions, called biomechanics plays a crucial role in the general welfare of the patient. From a technical perspective, this is easy to understand. A stable foundation to cause problems throughout the building. Likewise, a foot can become unstable (for example, that an unusually susceptible) can cause problems throughout the body.
For years I've been trying to stabilize the mechanical support of the foot soles foot type. These bases are typically constructed plantar forefoot with a gap (joint). They were very effective for the control of the foot, knee and back pain, but at a very high price. Over the years it has become clear to me that I undermine support for the foot. As long as my patient's foot orthotics, body wore was her pain less. But the pain quickly if the deposits were not being worn. I looked like my patients, their orthoses addictive!
The connection betweenHealth> musculoskeletal foot and not be stressed enough. However, we have recently discovered another important link between the foot and body position. Our research shows that a foot deep, and cause unstable, and can often postural distortions (poor posture). And this postural distortions occur in young children. It was also clear that the postural distortion of a pioneer in the development of chronic pain is the body. Children with poor posture is the Adults with chronic pain body.
In my quest to reverse and correct these distortions attitude, I continued to use orthotics kind of support. The long-term results were less than desirable: These foot insoles definitely improved posture. However, if the plates were not worn, the gains were quickly lost posture. And alarmingly, in many cases, the attitude has become even worse than before the treatment picture. This suggests a disturbing correlation between support> Foot and weakening consumer.
Obviously a different approach to therapy was required!
Proprioceptive deposit base
Ten years ago I started with deposits do not include this type of foot supports a form of acupressure therapy. These deposits, deposits called applied proprioceptive, tactile stimulation on the underside of the foot. In theory, it sends a signal to tactile stimulation of the cerebellum (the balance of the brain).Acting on this signal triggers the cerebellum postural correction, the whole body. Moving from one posture to the front, the position inward to a more upright position more upright. Photo posture see the immediate impact and far-reaching proprioceptive contributions to the body.
Published studies have confirmed the link between improving posture and reduce / eliminate chronic musculoskeletal disorders. While both proprioceptive and type of foot support insolesImprove posture, in contrast to the cohesive type devices are proprioceptive deposits not weaken the foot. In fact, many of our patients that they use their proprioceptive deposits less and still maintain their living standards (a process defined a engramming).
Concerns for a more detailed discussion of my research with proprioceptive stimulation and its use in clinical medicine, please visit my website at:
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LONDON (AFP) ? Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and British Prime Minister David Cameron signed trade deals worth ?1.4 billion at a summit on Monday as Wen batted away questions about his country's rights record.
The two men shook hands for the cameras before holding talks with senior officials from both sides at Downing Street, the second formal meeting of the two leaders following Cameron's visit to Beijing in November.
"I am delighted that today's summit has seen new deals signed worth ?1.4 billion ($2.2 billion or 1.6 billion euros)," the British leader told reporters at a joint press conference afterwards.
As part of wide-ranging discussions, Cameron said he had discussed China's human rights record with Wen, who flew into Britain late Saturday as part of a European tour just as Beijing released high-profile rights activist Hu Jia.
But Wen said there should not be "finger-wagging" at China over human rights.
The men also discussed the ongoing NATO military operations in Libya, in which Britain is playing a lead role.
In a rare comment, Wen said China was talking to both sides because the conflict would only be resolved by Libyans themselves, adding: "Foreign troops may be able to win war in a place, but they can hardly win peace."
Since taking office in May last year, Cameron's coalition government has made boosting trade with China a priority, and wants to increase bilateral trade to $100 billion a year by 2015.
Britain is scrambling to catch up with European rivals Germany and France, the latter of which secured contracts worth $20 billion for French firms last year.
Wen is due to visit Germany after he leaves Britain later Monday.
The new British deals concern the reopening of the Chinese poultry market for British exports, which was halted after a bird flu outbreak in Britain, and a deal to supply breeding pigs to China.
A small crowd of protesters gathered outside Downing Street for the talks, brandishing posters reading "Cameron and Wen: human rights before trade" and "Free Tibet", while a similarly sized pro-China demonstration gathered nearby.
Asked about China's rights record, Cameron said: "We should show each other respect. But we're very clear that political and economic development should go hand in hand, that one supports the other."
But Wen batted off any implied criticism.
"On human rights, China and the UK should respect each other, respect the facts, treat each other as equals, engage in more co-operation than finger-pointing and resolve our differences through dialogue," he said.
The release of 37-year-old activist Hu, jailed on subversion charges in April 2008, was widely seen as a move to defuse tensions over human rights, and followed the release on bail last week of Chinese artist Ai Weiwei.
Wen is in Britain as part of a three-nation European tour intended in part to shore up support for the eurozone. On the first leg in Hungary, he agreed to buy government bonds, and said this showed China's confidence in the currency.
Also during the visit, China's central bank chief, Zhou Xiaochuan, voiced support for French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde's bid to lead the International Monetary Fund, in Beijing's first public statement on the issue.
On his first full day in Britain on Sunday, Wen visited a car plant in Longbridge, Birmingham, central England, which is owned by Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp (SAIC), China's largest automaker.
He launched the first new MG car to be made in 15 years, the MG6 model, hailing it as a potent symbol of friendship between London and Beijing.
He also visited Shakespeare's birthplace in Stratford-upon-Avon, where he watched a brief performance from Hamlet. On Monday, he said the bard was one of the "greatest geniuses in our world".
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Amsterdam's Van Gogh Museum is to close for six months for renovations next year, its director has announced.
Axel Ruger said the renovation was necessary "to ensure the condition of the building and the safety of the visitors in the long run".
He added around 75 of the artist's masterpieces and a number of works on paper will move to the nearby Hermitage Amsterdam during the repairs.
The museum will be closed from October 2012 until March 2013.
Mr Ruger said the museum "simply cannot disappoint" the 1.5 million people who visit the venue annually and were working hard to keep the collection available to the public elsewhere.
"Art lovers will be able to see a splendid survey of 19th century art by Van Gogh and his contemporaries in the Hermitage Amsterdam.
"This represents a rare opportunity, one not likely to happen again any time soon," he added.
The refurbishment, necessary due to more robust government security requirements, were partly completed in 2010.
The second phase of the work must be finished by mid-2014. However, the museum plans for it to be completed well in advance as 2013 marks the museum's 40th jubilee and van Gogh's 160th birthday.
It is the latest major Dutch museum to close for reconstruction.
The nearby Rijksmuseum and Stedelijkmuseum both have been undergoing major renovations for the past few years, but have kept the best parts of their collections on display at other locations.
This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
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Dow Jones Indexes Launches Dow Jones Global Commodity Equity 100 Index
NEW YORK and LONDON, June 27, 2011 ( ? Dow Jones Indexes, a leading global index provider, today announced the launch of the Dow Jones Global Commodity Equity 100 Index, the flagship of a new index series that measures the stock performance of companies engaged in the exploration or production of both scarce and renewable commodities.
Commodity sectors represented in the Index include agriculture, energy, metals, precious metals and water.
In addition to The Dow Jones Global Commodity Equity 100 Index, the series includes four subindexes:
?As the world?s population climbs and emerging markets mature, the consumption of commodities ? many of which have finite supplies ? continues to increase,? said Michael A. Petronella, President, Dow Jones Indexes. ?This development yields compelling market opportunities for investors looking to equities engaged in the business of commodities. With the Dow Jones Global Commodity Equity 100 Index series, investors can follow companies engaged in the business of commodities by utilizing a broad index or subsets focused on agriculture, energy or scarcity.?
Companies eligible for inclusion in the:
For the Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Equity Commodity Index, Shari?ah screens aim to remove companies in the following lines of business: alcohol, tobacco, pork-related products, conventional financial services, defense/weapons and entertainment. Also excluded are companies with financial ratios that are incompatible with Islamic investment principles.
The indexes are derived from the Dow Jones Global Total Stock Market Index, which represents 65 countries and covers more than 98% of the world?s market capitalization. Only companies whose business is related to the exploration and production of commodities are eligible. Within each of five commodity sectors, the largest stocks are selected for the index based on their rankings based on float-adjusted market capitalization.
The indexes are weighted by float-adjusted market capitalization. Weights of individual components are capped at 10% of the broad index; individual sectors are capped at 33.33% of the index. Changes to index composition are made on an annual basis in December.
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Updated ? Giving Your Lover Earth Shuddering Orgasms The Easy Way Learn How!
Updated ? Giving Your Lover Earth Shuddering Orgasms The Easy Way Learn How!
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Home Page > Relationships > Sexuality > Updated ? Giving Your Lover Earth Shuddering Orgasms The Easy Way Learn How!
Updated ? Giving Your Lover Earth Shuddering Orgasms The Easy Way Learn How!
Posted: Aug 10, 2010 |Comments: 0
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Natural Penis Male Enlargement Proof also Longer Thicker. Penis plus topics on What Is Penis Girth
The only penis male enlargement solution that is believed to be long lasting and permanent is the one done through surgery. The ligaments that holds the penis in its position are gotten rid of leaving the penis to hang. The permanent increase in size is then derived through the use of weights or stretching devices for some few months.
Are you happy with the size of your penis? Do you wish that there was a guaranteed way to enlarge your penis safely? Look no further ? It is now guaranteed and safe to add up to 4 inches to your penis size in just a matter of weeks! The best part is you can start TODAY adding length and girth to your penis size.
Click here now to learn how to enlarge your penis and see results this week >> You can start today with no waiting >>
It is easy to want to make your penis huge but a lot harder to actually go about making this happen. There are so many products out there that promise amazing results and always fail to deliver that it is easy to become disheartened with the whole idea of penis male enlargement. In this article I am going to teach you how a natural penis male enlargement method can replicate puberty in two simple steps so you can add 3 ? 5 inches onto the size of your penis?
Are you still struggling to find the best way to enlarge your penis size? Fact is over 80% of men think they are undersized and want quick and easy ways to accelerate their gains. Sounds like you? But with the veritable avalanche of male enhancement products on the market what are really the best ways to augment your size quickly and safely?
Occam?s Razor states that the answer to a problem is usually the simplest explanation. Which is to say ?if you have two equally likely solutions to a problem choose the simplest.? In other words K.I.S.S. ? Keep It Simple and Straightforward.
It is really possible to enlarge the penis. There are something good device available that can really add inches on your penis. Many men are now changing their manhood by using this kind of device.
Most men secretly desire having a bigger penis and they often want to add a few inches to their manhood naturally and safely. There are many reasons for desiring a larger penis and if you go online there seems to be just as many solutions available.
In case you were unaware we really are what we eat. And what we eat has tremendous effects on our penis size in both length and girth. A harder penis is a longer penis and a penis will more blood flow is much wider as well.
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natural penis male enlargement proof also, longer thicker penis plus topics on, what is penis girth
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