Friday, September 30, 2011

Sophia Yin: World Rabies Day: BAWA-Bali Works to Stop Rabies Epidemic in Bali

If you've ever seen video of humans infected with rabies you've most likely placed it at the top of your "avoid this" list. When a rabid animal bites, it injects virus into the wound. The virus lies hidden and insidiously travels from the periphery to the spinal cord and brain (the central nervous system or CNS). This process can take up to 6 months, depending on how far the virus must travel to reach the CNS. Once it reaches the central nervous system it causes inflammation leading to fever, pain, partial paralysis, difficulty swallowing, hallucinations, and paranoia. Within 10 days of showing signs, the infected human is dead. The disease is virtually 100% fatal.

September 28th World Rabies Day serves as a reminder of the dangers of the deadly rabies virus that kills roughly 55,000 people worldwide per year. To those in the U.S. this number may mean very little. Although 7000 cases of animal rabies--primarily in raccoons, skunks and bats--are reported yearly, only 1-3 human rabies cases occur yearly in the U.S. But if over 130 people in an area roughly the size of Connecticut had died of this infection and over 100,000 dogs had been killed in the name of rabies eradication, your view would be quiet different.

Janice Girardi, founder and director of Bali Animal Welfare Organization ( has been living through this experience for the last three years and has taken on a huge role as rabies educator and eradicator; helping the Bali government to control the disease.

For the 30 years that Girardi has lived on this resort island that makes up one of the 17,000 islands of Indonesian archipelago, rabies was never a problem. Bali had been rabies free. But the Bali-street dogs population has always been high. Then, says Girardi, whose non-profit organization has focused on spay/neuter and vaccination programs since its creation 5 years ago, "In November 2008 we had our first rabies death on Bali. It was followed slowly at first by others."
The government's first response was in line with that of other developing countries with little funds for healthcare and a lack of vaccines--they sought to rid the island of its 350,000 dogs. First, they left meat laced with strychnine. When many dogs learned to avoid the meat, they switched to darting the dogs. Vaccination was not a priority for dogs or for humans who had been bitten yet because Indonesia had a law at that time that declared rabies vaccines and rabies vaccination to be illegal unless you have the disease. That means that even humans who were bitten could not receive the series of four preventive vaccinations. Furthermore the immunoglobulin that can be given to bite victims post-exposure was not licensed either.

"So when rabies hit there (in Bali) weren't even any effective vaccines available," Says Girardi. "It took almost a year to get a good long-acting vaccine like we have in the U.S."

Not surprisingly, when I visited in 2009 and volunteered at BAWA, which is how I met Girardi, it was clear that the attempt to eradicate rabies was not working. During my short stay, the newspaper reported several more individuals had died of rabies in previously rabies free-areas of the island.


Bali-street dogs, many of whom are fed and even
owned by villagers, are caught in nets and then vaccinated,
an identification collar placed, and then released as a
part of the rabies eradication program.

The lack of success was no surprise to epidemiologists who study rabies epidemics. According to Francois-Xavier Meslin, leader of the World Health Organization's Neglected Zoonotic Diseases team in Geneva, "The problem is that killing dogs, the favored method for dealing with rabies in much of the developing world, simply creates a "vacuum effect" whereby infected dogs move into the areas where culling has occurred."

A herd health-vaccination approach
Bali has a human population of nearly 4 million people who are fond of their estimated 350,000 dogs. It's not possible for the government to kill every single dog, especially since the island residents, most of whom are Hindu, love animals, as compared to the other Indonesian islands that are primarily Muslim, where stray dogs are viewed as vermin and destroyed. Additionally, most Bali dogs are intact leading to a huge puppy population, which replaces the dogs that have died. Due to this common dog population profile, epidemiologist and veterinarians trained in herd health recommend widespread vaccination of dogs in rabies epidemic areas as the only effective way to control rabies in places such as Bali.

But vaccinating 70% of 350,000 free-roaming dogs on an island where the average citizen has a little formal education and are so poor that they have trouble feeding their children. Luckily some assistance was on the way. With the guidance of epidemiologists from the University of Glasgow, Girardi formulated a way to help both the citizens and the dogs of Bali.

Says Girardi, "Epidemiologists from the University of Glasgow along with the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) came and assessed the situation. They mapped out how the virus would spread if it was not controlled and then based on this epidemiologic mapping, they recommended we find a way to vaccinate 70% of the population of dogs within 6 months."

Why 70%? It has to do with the herd-health approach. " If 70% of dogs are vaccinated and a rabid dog comes in, it can still bite a human and cause death and bite unvaccinated dogs and cause death," states Girardi, "but it will not cause an epidemic because enough dogs are vaccinated so the disease will die out."

For example, if a rabid dog bites 3 other dogs and 2 of these dogs are vaccinated, only one will get disease and according to epidemiologists, the epidemic will die out.

On the other hand if few dogs are vaccinated in a non-rabies population and a dog with rabies bites three dogs, all three dogs may get rabies and each may potentially bite another three, and so on, leading to a rapid increase in the rabies population.

The number of dogs to vaccinate was important but the 6-month time frame was crucial too.
"The turnover rate of dogs in Bali is fast," says Girardi. "Many dogs die because they are hit by cars or they get parvovirus or distemper or other diseases and many puppies are born. So the longer we took, the more likely out vaccinated dogs would be dying out of the population."

Could a vaccination program be carried out?
Seventy percent of 350,000 dogs is a huge number and a big expense for the government, so there was skepticism regarding whether such a program could be carried out effectively. Girardi believed it could be done so she spearheaded a pilot program to prove that large-scale capture of and vaccination of free-roaming dogs. In December of 2009, with $5000 donated by Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and 45,000 vaccines from the World Society Protection Association (WSPA) along with her personal savings, Girardi and her organization started capturing and vaccinating dogs in Gianyar, one of the nine Bali Provinces. The 36 teams of 6 members each reached their goal of vaccinating more than 70% of the Gianyar dogs within 6 months.

Next, they moved to Bangli region with funding from WSPA from June through August 2010 and after that, they got the go-ahead to take the program nationwide. The epidemiologists recommend that the vaccinations occur in three island-wide phases and WSPA and IFAW agreed to fund phase I. From October 1 2010 to March 31, 2011 over 250,000 of the 300,000 dogs --their final dog count-- in Bali were vaccinated.

This was no small feat because it involved more than meets the eye. "For the first two pilot programs of Gaiyar and Bangli we spoke to all of the village leaders to get them to agree in writing that if we vaccinated the dogs, neither they nor the government would cull the dogs," states Girardi. For phase I of the island-wide program we had a signature from the Governor and all of the Mayors, which took 6 months.

"Killing of vaccinated dogs would undermine our program because it would reduce the population herd health. We ran phase I with 52 teams and 6-7 people per team. Each member was prevaccinated against rabies and went through a 3 week training period where they were taught how to catch dogs with nets on the street, vaccinate them without getting bitten, then place a collar or spray paint so they could tell who had been vaccinated. Then they would survey the dog population in an area to ensure that 70% were vaccinated prior to moving on to another village.

The program was intense and expensive and funded primarily by Girardi herself. She put up about $100,000 of her own savings from her primary business--Girardi is a popular designer of jewelry, which is sold worldwide in catalogues such as Sundance and Red Envelope. But her efforts and money paid off. They had trained 430 staff island-wide that could be used for phases II and III of the program and they could see a difference.

Says Girardi, "If you compare a 4-5 month period this year versus in 2010, you see a drastic reduction in confirmed dog rabies cases and human rabies cases. We went from 250 positive villages to 48. We also had a 75 and 85% reduction in human and dog cases of rabies."

On top of this the villagers are more aware that they should be concerned if bitten so more villagers are actually reporting when they are bitten by any dog and getting the post exposure treatment (PEP) as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), a series of 4-5 rabies vaccinations to prevent potential disease.

Now, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is working with the government on phase II and III of the rabies program to keep the population vaccination numbers at 70%. The government is using the workers that BAWA-Bali trained to repeat the vaccination process again.

"Realistically it needs to be continued even after phase III, because in a country like Bali, in four years, many of the vaccinated dogs will have died, plus dogs with rabies may still enter the country."

In spite of the cost, vaccinating dogs is cheaper than vaccinating humans who are bitten. It costs about $3.00 to vaccinate a dog, but if someone is bitten by a dog who may or may not have rabies the series of vaccines costs over $50.00. Treatment with protective immunoglobulin costs even more and is often prohibitively expense if it is even available.

For example, says Girardi, "When one local 5-year old girl whose parents could not afford treatment was bitten by a rabies infected dog, it cost $500 for me to help get her treated. When our BAWA-Bali night guard was bitten, I paid $1400.00 for immunoglobulin treatment for him."

Education is the key
While the government has taken to the vaccination, there's still much for Bawa- Bali to do. Says Girardi, "Education is the key." In her experience, more people are being bitten by dogs than ever before, because the villagers are now afraid of the dogs and acting out of their fear.

"I've never been bitten by a Bali street dog but the villagers sometimes are because they are now panicked about being bitten instead of just being mindful of their interactions. They use sticks to keep the dogs away from them or kick them to get them away and this causes the dogs to become defensively aggressive."

Indeed during my time in Bali, the street dogs were probably safer than the macaque monkeys. When you ignore them the dogs ignore you. If you approach they try to avoid you. This is in contrast to the Macaque monkeys in areas where they are fed by tourists. These monkeys may jump on people to steal food and even bite. Macaques harbor Herpes B, which generally leads to fatal encephalopathy (brain swelling) in humans.


Tourists often feed the macaques which eventually leads to
macaques who steal food from humans and sometimes bite.
Macaques harbor herpes B which usually results in fatal
inflammation of the brain (encephalomyelitis).

Girardi states, "If a dog is rabid you can see the symptoms and know it. The Balinese need to know which dogs to fear and to understand dog behavior and how to avoid being bitten.

Another recent problem is that to reduce the roaming population and overall number of dogs, the government has required that all pet dogs be chained or caged on their owner's property. In the U.S., on the other hand, some cities have banned chaining of dogs for prolonged periods of time.

Of course the problem with chaining and caging is that these dogs do not receive proper socialization and are then are more likely to become fearful and defensively aggressive with dogs and people as well as territorially aggressive to people who enter the property. This is something the villagers may not understand yet. But one alarming trend that BAWA-Bali does see is that they are getting many dogs who are left in cages without food or water when owners travel or who have chain collars that are embedded in their neck. The Bali villagers need to be taught how to care for their dogs--that dogs require food, water, medicine, shelter and exercise and are social animals. They can't leave them in a cage for days or in some cases weeks at a time without care.

The solution to roaming dogs and overpopulation
Overall, the real solution to cutting the population of street dogs down is for villagers to have their dogs spayed or neutered and to feed and care for the ones they keep. This way dogs will tend to stay on their own property instead of needing to wander the streets for food.

"My dogs choose to stay on my property and only go off when I come home and walk to the river," states Girardi. "They could go to the river any time on their own but they choose to stay home and are so excited to accompany me on my walk. They are desexed and have good food and other dogs to play with at home, so they have no urge to go elsewhere on their own.

BAWA-Bali sterilizes on average 20 dogs a day and houses up to 125 cats and dogs in on any given day in their clinic. " We adopted out 90 dogs in June," says Girardi. "This includes making a home visit and training the villagers how to feed and care for their pet and then following up after the pet has been adopted."


A Balinese man brings his dog to a spay-neuter
clinic run by Bawabali (

If you're looking to combine your vacation with a worthwhile cause, consider volunteering at BAWA-Bali for a several days or more. The average cost to stay in Bali is about $30 per day making for an affordable trip. Volunteers can work in the office or helping to educate the public. Those working in the clinic must be vaccinated for rabies before they arrive. Donations are very much needed and can also be made to Bawa-Bali at BAWA-Bali is a nonprofit organization with 501(c)3 status in the U.S.

To find out more about dogs in Bali, read Dogs in Bali Learn Some Dog Tricks.


Follow Sophia Yin on Twitter:


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Botanical slimming tells you vegetarian diet does not equal lose ...

REVIEW: quit delicious meat that you can lose weight it? This method has been so perhaps some people lose weight, but not necessarily be useful for you. Studies have shown that a vegetarian diet or for help, but also pay attention to the vegetarian way. Want to lose weight through vegetarian diet, the following eight notes provided by Meizitang, you must see!
1 will be fat too much vegetarian
Not to say that vegetarian food can easily open the stomach and some healthy food if you overdose intake. Also will gain weight, for example, seeds, yogurt, almonds, and so on. In fact, a vegetarian diet and not so much, as long as you remember to eat low-fat, low sugar food. Botanical slimming thinks if you consume too many refined carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, like you can gain weight. Adult day intake of refined carbohydrates, if more than 400 grams, there will be danger of obesity. Because our body can not consume excessive amounts of carbohydrate, if excessive intake, then these excess carbohydrates will be converted into fat, so you become more and more fat!
2 cooking methods is critical
Cooking methods related to your final total calorie intake of the body, it is very important in the view of?? botanical slimming. Even if your menu on all vegetables and fruits, it is best not fried, steamed or boiled as we choose. If you must eat cooking, then try little oil. Common edible oil is best to replace the olive oil. As for condiments, such as sesame, bean paste, cream, cheese, etc., or less good
3 important natural
Those dense processed foods in our common life tend to contain much heat, and always make you feel hungry after eating, and natural and light cuisine will make you chew the food more, so had to spend more time to complete feeding. So, botanical slimming recommend you eat plenty of natural and low-calorie foods, such as low-fat or skim milk, whole wheat and other staple food, drinks then try to choose water or tea, these will allow you to reduce the intake of a lot of heat.
4 Drink plenty of water
Whether or not a vegetarian, you want to lose weight, you must drink plenty of water. If you drink fruit juice, diluted with water, pour point looks better.? But in the way of botanical slimming if you drink soda and coffee, then have to drink plenty of water.
5 Do not eat any sugar
Sugar result is: eat more sugar. Because sugar makes your blood sugar level stable, so as to stimulate you to eat more sugar. So as far as possible kinds of sweets from your diet deleted. If it is greedy mouth, may wish to use fruit instead, so botanical slimming reminds you do not too strict to yourself.
6 Eat more protein
Vegetarian hungry may make you easier, and lack of energy, because of the lack of protein. So, even vegetarian, is also necessary to eat more soy products or nuts to add protein. Botanical slimming these proteins lower the heat, give you a sense of satiety, but also help you build the body?s muscles; more muscle means more calories are consumed.
7 Note that the way to eat
After 7 pm, do not eat this either eat meat or vegetarian must abide by. In addition, small meals to lose weight will always be opponents, ?? meizitang botanical slimming soft gel does not let your stomach is always in a state of fullness.
8. Vegetarian, still to be motion
No matter what to eat, you want to really lose weight, exercise must be done. Only your consumption is greater than the intake, botanical slimming the body can begin burning fat. So, do not be lazy, and quickly moving up!


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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Green Real Estate & CleanTech News - MEPT Ranked 1st in ...

MEPT Ranked 1st in Americas and 5th Globally for Sustainability and Environmental Performance in Commercial Real Estate By Betsy Kraat

WASHINGTON, DC--MEPT, one of the largest open-end core private real estate equity funds in the U.S., earned the top spot on the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) Foundation's survey of real estate funds in the Americas.

Additionally, MEPT ranked #5 on the GRESB's "Global Top Ten" list, according to the survey, which measures the social and environmental performance of listed and private property funds around the world. MEPT was the only U.S. fund ranked in the Global Top Ten.

The GRESB Foundation, an initiative of some of the world's largest institutional investors, gathered data from 340 respondents globally to create a science-based sustainability benchmark. Respondents represented close to US$1 trillion in commercial real estate assets or 35% of the global real estate market.

After submitting extensive data and information on its $5.1 billion portfolio, MEPT was awarded top rankings both in the Americas and globally based on the Fund's score on more than 50 metrics of environmental and social performance. The report identifies MEPT as earning a "Green Star", a fund with "an integrated organizational approach towards measurement and management of environmental key performance indicators" resulting in a reduction of resource consumption and innovation in measures beyond energy efficiency. Only 65 of the 340 respondents were ranked "Green Stars."

"To see the Fund's sustainability efforts recognized through the results of this extensive global survey is very gratifying for MEPT and its investors," stated David Antonelli, Executive Vice President and MEPT Portfolio Manager at Bentall Kennedy, MEPT's real estate advisor. "Since its inception in 1982, MEPT has been a leader in identifying and successfully integrating environmental, social and governance principles into its investment strategy. Now, more than ever, we firmly believe that the ability to execute a responsible investment strategy is critical to the long-term success of the Fund."

The GRESB Foundation provides a tool for institutional investors to assess real estate funds on their environmental and governance performance which the Foundation believes helps investors fulfill their fiduciary responsibility. The industry-led initiative has the goal to enhance shareholder value by increasing transparency in environmental and social practices in the property sector.

"The commercial real estate sector is poised to move towards full integration of environmental management in daily operations with great opportunities lying ahead," says Dr. Nils Kok, executive director of the GRESB Foundation. "Our benchmark puts the environmental performance of fund managers in perspective and provides investors with a tool for engaging with the property sector."


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PFT: Mobile strip club outside Lions games? City peeved

Tim Shaw, Mardy GilyardAP

Every Tuesday, various NFL teams bring a bunch of unemployed players in for a tire kicking.? Every Wednesday, we get our hands on the list.

And since some of you are interested, we share that information right here.

This Tuesday, the following teams worked out the following players.

Panthers:? receiver Donnie Avery, defensive end Adrian Awasom, receiver Juaquin Iglesias, defensive end Jeremy Jarmon.

Bengals: running back Larry Johnson, running back Clinton Portis, and receiver Brett Swain.

Lions:? receiver Terrence McCrae, receiver Owen Spencer.

Packers:? tackle Tony Moll.

Texans:? guard Daniel Loper, center Chris Morris, tackle Ikechuku Ndukwe, center Chris White, guard Mansfield Wrotto.

Colts:? quarterback Brodie Croyle, receiver Jeremy Ross.

Vikings:? defensive end Ugo Chinasa, tackle Max Starks.

Patriots:? tight end Jake O?Connell, running back Lousaka Polite, running back Charles Scott.

Saints:? tackle Pat McQuistan, tackle Ray Willis.

Giants:? tight end Richard Quinn.

Raiders:? defensive back Ron Parker.

Eagles:? running back Aaron Brown, defensive end Everette Brown, running back Dimitri Nance.

Rams:? receiver Chris Brooks, defensive back Mike Holmes, defensive back Bryan McCann, receiver Adam Mims, defensive back Jeremy Ware.

Seahawks:? receiver Charly Martin.

Buccaneers:? tight end Daniel Coats, tight end Derek Schouman, tight end Steve Skelton.

Titans:? receiver David Clowney, receiver Craig Davis, receiver Mardy Gilyard (pictured), receiver Johnnie Lee Higgins, receiver Tiquan Underwood.


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Did You Know How to Play Canasta Card Game Popular ...

Posted in card games by admin on September 27th, 2011

Do you know how to play the card game Canasta? Canasta is a rummy game like that emerged in 1930. Although the rules of the game and the changes that have taken place in Uruguay, the popularity spread quickly and became the favorite card game basket than in other games, including card games and the hearts of the seven and half. In the 1950s, Rummy card game in America was standard in several versions and was named the Classic Canasta. Although the rules of the basket may vary depending on the country where you live and your specific preferences, most versions are similar in shape and differ mainly in terms of players and points. The following sections basket original card will be discussed to get an idea of ??how the game is to play it.

Basket is designed to play with four players playing as partners. Although there are versions that can be configured for two or three players, the following rules are about four-player version. What you need to play canasta with friends in his home with two decks of 52 cards and four jokers, totaling 108 books. Each book is assigned a value elsewhere. Original basket, a point is different than other versions, like the card game Canasta Caliente. Jokers are assigned to the highest point value 50. Awarded two aces and 20 points each. Kings, queens, jacks, tens, nines, and eight with 10 points. In addition, the remaining cards in the bottom 5. Each actor will take into account a lot of cards and a lot of cards. Like most games, card games including Spades, the player left of the dealer, the first round. Clockwise, players draw a card file and add it to confront his own destiny, without demonstrating that it was collected. Discard one card face other players to see. The mixture should play, but for pronunciation. A mixture of seven books and more Shopping call. Basket with red as all cards are clean and natural, unlike the black canasta wild card if they are used. A player who has all his cards in his favor, the game ends. A team member must have a basket in front of the classic game. Despite the basket more than 80 years, there are other versions of the game card game card basket, and legs, and all versions are very popular among players of all ages.


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Applying 'Moneyball' to venture capital | Business Broker Journal Blog

Is quant analysis just for baseball, or could venture capitalists also benefit? After watching a trailer last week for Moneyball, blogger Dan Frommer wondered if the film?s lessons could be applied to early-stage tech investing: ?Tech is, after all, an inherently data-driven industry, but much of the talk around investment seems to be about relationships and personality

Go here to read the rest:
Applying ?Moneyball? to venture capital

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Monday, September 26, 2011

SEO Copywriting ? Driving Internet ... - American Business Marketing

The purpose for Website content writing can be varied and depends on the context. It can be used as a tool for information as well as a tool for promotion. It has been seen that those websites which have more features on them like links, pictures and interesting content, are generally ranked higher than those having less of them. However, irrespective of the various SEO techniques involved, the content is still the king and hence, higher search engine rankings can be correlated to good content in the long run. As a result of inappropriate or dull content, many websites have turned out to be a disaster. Quality content on a website is very essential not only for the higher ranking of websites on the search engine, but also for increasing the sales of a business. Good content on a website attracts lot of traffic.

Website copy writing service is being offered by professional digital marketing companies at a competitive rate. Popularity of websites with good content has surged the demand of quality content writing services. While developing content, one should keep certain parameters in mind so as to make it attractive and informative. For every definite business, the content needs to be developed based on few requirements which are different for each industry. The language needs to be simple and more precise. The entire idea and the objective of the content should clear and apprehensible. Apart from that, the content should be in-tune with the SEO requirements such as the apt utilization of the keywords, placement of keywords and so on.

Website copy writing is very essential since content on a website is the key to attract more traffic and making them feel interested in the product/service. Content should be informative and reliable. Most of the visitors depend on the content more than the graphics.

Businesses can hire web content developers for the purpose of developing relevant content on their website as well as promotional articles to be submitted in article directories, blogs etc. Professional services or companies with years of experience in writing will be able to deliver quality content in a timely manner.


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Sunday, September 25, 2011


DANIEL PAREJO is a young 22 year old SPANISH FOOTBALL player, already an International in the junior?categories & considered a big future promise. Raised at Real Madrid the youngster had to leave to find "playing ?time" at Getafe & now at VALENCIA CF. ?However, Parejo is not getting all the time wished to develop further his talents & some Clubs are "smelling" the opportunity to talk to the player about better horizons.
One of those Clubs rumoured is English Premier League giant ARSENAL which needs a creative midfield player,?especially after selling Cesc Fabragas to Fc Barcelona. The start of the season has not been good & the?English?team is already thinking about the "Winter Transfer Market" & signing players.

Apparently, Arsenal sent some scouts to watch the Valencia - Fc Barcelona match, but Parejo did not get a run. This has not stopped the English Club from?approaching?Valencia CF to see what they have installed in the future for Parejo, & some say there is already?advanced?talks.

Stay tuned for developments!


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Radio Communication Project Manager ? All jobs (page 2 ...

Radio Communication Project Manager


Posted: 22 Sep 2011
Apply deadline: 21 Dec 2011
Location: Massy, France
Company: CGGVeritas

Job description:

JOB SUMMARY ?Inside Eastern Land IT group, will have in charge to manage projects related to Land and SW&OBS communications and radio systems.Position will be placed under the authority of Eastern IT Manager and transverse with Land electronics and navigation department.Job location can be based anywhere into CGGVeritas network as it is required to be autonomous.?KEY JOB RESPONSIBILITIES?More precisely and in a non exhaustively way, his/her tasks will be:
  • Take care of all IT communication needs for SW&OBS.
  • Take Ekofisk project and improve what has already been done.
  • Improve Gator Synchronization network for high distance challenge and propose architecture for ?secondary? (non direct production) navigation/labs networks
  • Train support teams to improve their knowledge on Radios/Network
  • Work on pure Land crew solutions to connect Labs to QC using Wimax technologies.
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Nirvana Heiress Frances Bean Cobain: About A Girl

Daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love turns 19 a month before Nevermind's 20th anniversary.
By Gil Kaufman

Frances Bean Cobain
Photo: Steve Granitz/WireImage

From the moment of her birth, she was instantly the most famous baby on the planet. Frances Bean Cobain, now 19, is the only child of late Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain and Hole frontwoman Courtney Love.

As we were digging through the tape archives this week in the midst of the 20th-anniversary celebration of Nirvana's landmark Nevermind album, we unearthed some footage of the rock offspring spending quality time with her parents and thought it was worth catching you up on what Frances has been up to lately.

Born August 18, 1992, Frances — whose godfather is former R.E.M. singer Michael Stipe and godmother is actress Drew Barrymore — had a childhood that was unusual even by Hollywood standards. While Love tried her best to keep the young Frances out of the spotlight, the toddler would occasionally make the papers on Love's arm at a movie premiere or public event.

Photos: Growing Up Frances Bean Cobain.

As she grew older, Frances continued to mostly shun the spotlight, giving only a handful of interviews to date, including her first one in 2005 as a 13-year-old to Teen Vogue.

Here are five facts you may not know about Frances Bean:

» She worked as an intern at Rolling Stone during the summer of 2008. The gig was ironic, if only because her dad famously wore a homemade T-shirt that read "corporate magazines still suck" during Nirvana's first cover shoot for the famed rock mag.

» Her sweet 16 birthday party was held in August 2008 at the Los Angeles House of Blues and featured a performance from Mindless Self Indulgence.

» Like her father, Frances is also an artist. She debuted a collection called "Scumf---" at Los Angeles' La Luz de Jesus gallery in July 2010 under the pseudonym "Fiddle Tim." The show mostly consisted of cartoony drawings of distorted figures with titles such as "Hips Like Battleships," "Chopsy Cheech" and "Spector Hector."

» Frances was part of a large group of background singers on a strange project from transgressive Dresden Dolls singer Amanda Palmer called "Evelyn Evelyn," which was reportedly created by a pair of conjoined sisters from Seattle. The song "My Space" features backing vocals from Cobain, comedians Margaret Cho and Eugene Mirman, Andrew W.K., My Chemical Romance's Gerard Way and "Weird" Al Yankovic.

» The biggest splash to date, however, has been a series of moody, alluring black-and-white photos of Frances shot by fashion designer Hedi Slimane.

Who knows what's next for Frances, but given her musical and artistic pedigree, it's likely we've not seen the last of her.

Stick with MTV News as we reveal the Nevermind You Never Knew, celebrating the 20th anniversary of Nirvana's definitive album with classic footage, new interviews and much more.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Computer Technology Found In NRAM -

Article by Victor Epand

Most of you must have noticed that the prices of computer hard drives have gone south wards in the recent times. Many reasons can be attributed to this trend. The current financial melt down or the recession is one of them.

The other possible reason could be the advent of modern technologies that have replaced the older versions. Technologies are advancing at such a faster rate that the current crop of hard drives that we are using daily, could very well be redundant. Its place could be taken by some thing like NRAM. We will look into this new concept in the coming section.

NRAM is a potential hard drive technology that could take its shape in the coming days. Its impact could be could be comparable to what Internet did to the computer world in 1990s. NRAM stands for nonvolatile random access memory. NRAM is a hardware technology that is based on the mechanical positions of tubes called carbon nano. These tubes are placed on substrates. As these carbon nano tubes are very small in size, they can carry large amount of memory in a small place.

The current generation of hard drives makes use of DRAM for memory storage purposes. In addition to the size factor, NRAM?s have other advantages over these DRAM?s. DRAM?s require additional power to get refreshed, while NRAM doesn?t require one. Another advantage NRAM?s have over DRAM is that the former uses less power to write to the device as compared to the latter.

The DRAM that the modern day computers use consumes lots of power to have its plate powered up. Most of us ignore this aspect. If this is taken care of, then lots of electricity can be saved while the computers are either switched on or off. If theory is anything to go by, NRAM?s can operate at a higher efficiency level when compared to DRAM?s. They will also be less expensive and less dense as compared to DRAM?s.

NRAM?s can help you start your computer in a fraction of a second. Typically, our computers will require any where between ten seconds to three minutes to get started. NRAM?s do not require this amount of time. All they would be requiring is couple of seconds. Just at the push of a button, your computer could be started.

Using NRAM you can store thousands of tera bytes of data in your hard drive. The amount of memory it can store and various other possibilities makes this technology most sought after. As it uses very little energy or power to keep it going; lesser than even flash drives, they can easily enter this segment too.

Just imagine a case scenario of you taking a MP3 device having three TB storage place in hand and using it wherever you like to. NRAM?s can bring this dream into a virtual reality. The amount of marketing that can be done with this technology is also endless. The question remains as to whether it takes one year or five years from now to have this technology taking its place. Let us wait and watch for the action to unveil.

About the Author

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for computer parts and suits & ties. Shop here to find NRAM, formal suits & ties, and computer parts in Canada.

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NC trial focuses on plot to kill service personnel (AP)

NEW BERN, N.C. ? Federal prosecutors played tapes on Wednesday of a North Carolina man describing his plans to organize a terrorist attack on the U.S. Marine Corps base in Quantico, Va.

The tape of Daniel Patrick Boyd, who pleaded guilty to federal terrorism charges in February, was played during the trial of three men accused of plotting terrorist attacks with him.

Boyd could be heard on the recording bragging about how easy it would be for him and a team to gain access to the Marine base and kidnap or kill service members and their families.

"My father was an officer," Boyd, who converted to Islam as a teenager, says on the tapes. "What will they say, their hero's son cutting their head off?"

What Boyd didn't know was that the man he was speaking to, Abdullah Eddarkoui, was a paid informant for the FBI who was wearing a wire.

The secret recording Eddarkoui made of the conversation outside Boyd's house near Raleigh was so clear frogs could be heard croaking in the background.

Eddarkoui was a key witness Wednesday as prosecutors began building their case against three men alleged to have plotted with Boyd and his sons to attack the Marine base and targets overseas.

Mohammad Omar Aly Hassan, Ziyad Yaghi and Hysen Sherifi have pleaded not guilty. A fourth defendant, Anes Subasic, has declined to have an attorney represent him and will be tried following the conclusion of the trial for the others.

FBI Agent Paul Minella, who recruited Eddarkoui to work for the government, testified that a multiyear surveillance effort used subpoenas and paid informants to collect a trove of evidence about the group, including bank records, emails, Facebook posts and audio tapes.

Boyd pleaded guilty in February to charges of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists and conspiracy to murder, kidnap and injure persons in a foreign country. Now the man who liked to call himself "Safallah," the Arabic word for "Sword of God," is expected to testify for the prosecution.

Two of Boyd's sons, Dylan and Zakariya Boyd, have also pleaded guilty.

Eddarkoui, a Moroccan living in the United States illegally, was working in a Durham beauty supply store in 2005 when Minella recruited him to infiltrate a Raleigh mosque and befriend Boyd, according to testimony. His FBI code name was "Jawbreaker."

In one of the tapes made by the informant, Boyd describes a reconnaissance visit to Quantico and being surprised at how easily he could drive along streets where Marine officers lived. The fact the Virginia base is built around a town, he said, made it a better target than a more secure facility, such as Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

"The generals' wives, they're jogging," he said of Quantico. "Their children are playing."

Boyd said it would be easy to enter the home of a general and hold him hostage.

"I'll kick in his door and take him from his bed," he said.

One of the defendants on trial Wednesday, Hysen Sherifi, was present for some of the taped conversations. Boyd assured the informant Sherifi would participate in an attack.

"Hysen ... he will do it," Boyd told Eddarkoui. "He won't question anything."

Attorneys for Hassan, Yaghi and Sherfi said in their opening arguments that the men are innocent and knew nothing of Boyd's plans. They also worked to undermine Eddarkoui's credibility, pointing out that he got a green card making him a legal United States resident after working with the FBI.

He was also paid nearly $111,000 by the FBI over five years and given another $55,000 for expenses that included buying a car and paying rent for a Raleigh apartment wired with secret microphones.

In a taped conversation, Boyd expressed admiration for terrorist leaders that included Osama bin Laden and said the orders he heard from jihadist leaders with recordings on the Internet were clear: "Hit everything you can that hurt America and the Jew."

After prosecutors say he was foiled in a 2007 plot to commit terrorist attacks in Israel, Boyd turned his attention to the possibility of committing a terrorist attack at home. As an example, he gave the 1994 bombing of the World Trade Center carried out by a group of men from New Jersey.

Though Boyd feared he was under surveillance, he told Eddarkoui that the United States was still a good place to plot and execute a terrorist attack.

"Before you had to be smart," Boyd told the government informant wearing a concealed microphone. "Now you have to be really smart."


Information from: The Sun Journal,


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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Gobal Network ... - Extra Income Home Based Part Time Philippines

If you think creating or building your own global network marketing is next to impossible then better think again. In the age of the World Wide Web, nothing is impossible. It will not be a smooth ride but it is very much possible. There are just some things you need to know and take into consideration in order to build global network marketing and join the international network marketing industry.

When you want to conquer the world with your network marketing plans, you should consider the culture of each country you have to go in business with. The norms in one country might be considered as a taboo for another. You have to find out what is important in the culture of a specific country. Is it money? Is it career? Is it love for family? Is it love for country? You have to mold your network marketing products, service and marketing strategy into these varying cultures if you want to succeed.

Contact your network marketing company and find out if you need to submit any additional requirements in order for them to sponsor you to become an international team member. If your company is into that, they will tell you what countries they are able to sponsor in. Now, if you are using the internet and you are also using pay per click advertisement, you should target your ads to the citizens of the country you are aiming at. This will involve additional research on your part.

When you want to converse with people across the globe, it would be best to use Skype. It is a globally recognized program. Do away with Yahoo Messenger or Facebook Chat for a while.

If you want to translate a document, there are a lot of free translation website online you can look into. You can also use Google Translate.

These are just some tips you can get by when you want to have global network marketing. Remember that hard work and patience is always included in order for this to succeed.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tips for the Internet Money Making Newbie | Make 100 Dollars Today

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REALTORS To Stop Photographing Themselves In Bathroom Mirrors

Scottsdale, AZ ? According to a hastily released statement from the National Association of Realtors this morning, the 1.2 million active members of the nation?s largest trade organization will hereby stop including themselves in property listing photos. Effective immediately, the consumptive public is assured that any agent who appears in the reflection of a master bathroom mirror is not a dues-paying REALTOR?.

?It?s this kind of initiative that exemplifies the difference between a mere Real Estate agent and a REALTOR,? NAR spokesman Thelonius Diedel explained. ?Well that, and a couple hundred bucks annually.?

?Ghosting, as we call it, is a threat to consumers which we here at the NAR take very seriously,??Diedel continued. ?A REALTOR designation assures home sellers they are working with a professional who can take a picture from around a corner, or at an angle.?

Not confined to issues of self-inclusion, Real Estate agents have long vexed online property shoppers with errant fingers on lenses, moving trucks in driveways and labrador retrievers in foyers. Exterior photos taken directly into the sun have caused at least nine cases of temporary blindness in online home shoppers since 2008.*

?Don?t even get me started on those fish eye virtual tours,? Cameron Stultz of the consumer watchdog group, People for Competent Photography, added when reached for comment. ?I mean, thanks for showing us what the house would look like if we just chased a sheet of LSD with a liter of Jack Daniels and formaldehyde, but most buyers aren?t Alice when she?s ten feet tall. We?re just regular-size folks who want an accurate visual representation of the property.?

?This is what being a REALTOR is all about,? Diedel concluded. ?Being heard, but not seen. In bathrooms.?

Diedel declined comment when asked how the initiative would help kickstart a slumping national housing market.

Melina Tomson, a non-NAR affiliated Real Estate broker in Salem, Oregon added, ?Are you f&^%$*! kidding me with this??


Paul Slaybaugh, Disassociative Press??2011

*Data provided by intracranial study of author?s overactive imagination

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Poor Little Rich 'Class Warfare' Victim (The Nation)

The Nation -- Add Louisiana Congressman John Fleming to the list of anti-tax GOPs who whine that getting by on a six- or seven-figure income isn?t as easy as you five-figure folk may think.

Back in July, Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) shared that he struggles to pay his bills on his $174,000 congressional salary (more than three times the median household income in his Wisconsin county). Today, on Chris Jansing?s MSNBC show, multimillionaire Fleming? explained in personal terms why Obama?s plan to raise taxes on millionaires is so unfair.

Fleming, whose flock of Subway shops and UPS stores brought in $6.3 million last year, said that after expenses he nets about $600,000--and ?by the time I feed my family, I have maybe $400,000 left over to invest in new locations, upgrade my locations, buy more equipment.??

?So,? Jansing asked, ?you?re saying that if you have to pay more in taxes you would get rid of some of those employees?? Fleming never answered the question.

She tried again: ?You do understand, Congressman, that the average person out there who?s making 40, 50, 60 thousand dollars a year, when they hear that you have only $400,000 left over, it?s not exactly a sympathetic position.?

?Well, again,? he said, ?class warfare?s never created a job.?

Neither have record-low taxes on the rich, as 10 years of Bush tax cuts should have proven once and for all. Finally, in his speech today on why we must raise taxes on the wealthy to reduce the deficit, Obama came up with just the right, succinct retort: ?This isn?t class warfare. It?s math."



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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

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Children's Entertainers

Children's Parties are one of the most energy filled days a parent will ever experience.

The energy from children who are all gathered together with the excitement of the party is unreal so when a parent decides that they are going to give their child a Birthday party they want it to be the most special day so that when the child grows up they will remember it forever.?

So much needs to be sorted and organised to get the child everything that they most want.? The most important thing apart from the cake of course is Children's Entertainers.? No party is a party without someone there to entertain the children especially when all the kids are waiting for someone to entertain them.? Imagine having to entertain a room full of kids running round wild on your own!? This is where the problem starts.?

You need to think about the age group the child is in, what they like, the theme etc.? With older children it's not too much a problem, but with smaller children they get excited that their favourite character might turn up or that they might get their face painted in their favourite design.

Children's entertainers come in every shape and form.?

You could just have a person doing magic tricks or party games or you could have actual characters from their favourite TV show.? Either way you need to think long and hard about the sort of kids party entertainment you are after.? Most entertainers are usually for hire for about one hour so if your party goes on for the whole day you need to make sure you have more than one entertainer.?

Kids can get bored really quickly so it is always good to have a variety so that they have more than one entertainer that will keep them entertained or so that you have at least one entertainer that will satisfy everyones likes.?

If your only having a small party with a few children at your house then there really isn't much to fuss over, you only need one entertainer as you don't want the party going on forever when it is in your house and you most probably have to clean all the mess up by yourself.? In these situations the best kids entertainment is someone who is more focused on the kids having a good time like a magician or someone who does party games.? If you are having someone like this though make sure if they give out prizes and check how many prizes they have to the amount of children you are inviting to the party, after all you don't want someone to be left out of all the fun.?

All in all a children's entertainer is the life and soul of any child's birthday party and a party without an entertainer would not be the same for you or for your child because a kids party entertainer knows how to make a party to remember for the rest of their lives.


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Monday, September 19, 2011

The Sport of Ice Fishing | Oval Egg Articles

Let's check what Abraham has to report concerning The Sport of Ice Fishing. It's just at this time that folks are beginning to understand concerning Recreation and Sports, talking about it on much bigger level. Before this subject matter was not that talked about. Essentially since people related with the topic did not do enough. Get thorough advantage of invaluable information in this article and please take time to appreciate it from top to bottom instead of just skimming through it.

The author Abraham David is responsible for producing this write-up Please link to this web page if you take this piece of writing for any reason. Article on "The Sport of Ice Fishing" starts after this.

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Fishing is a very common sport that can take place all times of the year. During the colder months of the year though ice fishing becomes a very popular event. Depending on the area where you are fishing there may be small cabins with heat for the person to sit in. Other times you will have to make due on the cold ice so make sure you are prepared for the weather.

Some of the most popular places for ice fishing include Alaska and Canada. The weather is often cold enough there to offer ice that remains completely frozen enough to safely fish on. You need to make sure you have the right tools for you in order to enjoy ice fishing though. You need to cut a whole in the ice that will allow you to place your fishing pole in. Depending on the depth of the ice you can use either a saw or an auger.

The types of fish you will find at any location depend on the time of year that you go ice fishing. If you are after a particular type of fish, make sure you take the time to research where they will be found at. You can schedule ice fishing trips to various locations around the world if you don?t happen to live in an area that offers this amazing winter sport. The type of fish you are targeting will also affect the type of bait you want to use in order to entice them to take a nibble.

You will find most fish are willing to bite early in the morning as that is when they will go to the surface area looking for food. As the day progresses you will find you catch fewer fish. About an hour before the sun goes down you will find the rise the surface to eat again. Knowing when the fish will be biting can help you have the most success while ice fishing.

While ice fishing is a very exciting adventure and a popular winter sport, there are plenty of accidents that take place annually. People can become ill or die from exposure to the cold so make sure you are well protected against the wind. Pay attention to signs of hypothermia and frostbite while you are ice fishing.

Avoid consuming alcohol which can delay your reaction times while ice fishing as well. Make sure you wear boots that will keep your feet warm and offer you good traction as you walk along the ice. You should dress in layers for ice fishing so you can be as warm or as cool as you need to be. Remember to wear sunscreen as the sun can easily reflect off the ice and snow which will cause the sun to burn your face faster.

Before we continue with the article let me say that anything in this piece of writing on "The Sport of Ice Fishing"is my opinion, please perform your investigation before taking any action. Please inquire a specialist of the relevant field. is not responsible for any damages of any kind that may arise from applying information contained in this article.

Many people walk along the frozen ice to find a good spot to make their hole. They may also take their vehicles or small wagons for their fishing supplies onto the ice. There is the risk that you or your equipment may fall through the ice so always take the time to find out how secure it is. It is a good idea to carry rope with you in case you see someone in danger that needs help getting out of the ice.


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Thanks for reading this write-up. If you are planning to take this composition for your use in any way, please link back to this page. I hope you appreciated what I wrote on "The Sport of Ice Fishing". I would be delighted to know what you think concerning it, negative or optimistic. Please leave a comment below and show me you are alive.

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Yemeni forces open fire on protesters, 26 killed

Yemeni government forces opened fire with anti-aircraft guns and automatic weapons on tens of thousands of anti-government protesters in the capital demanding ouster of their longtime ruler, killing at least 26 and wounding dozens, medical officials and witnesses said.

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After nightfall, Sanaa sank into complete darkness after a sudden power outage.

The attack was the deadliest in months against protesters and comes as tensions have been escalating in the long, drawn-out stalemate between the regime and the opposition. The president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, left for Saudi Arabia for treatment after being severely wounded in a June 3 attack on his palace, raising hopes for his swift removal ? but instead, he has dug in, refusing to step down.

The protest movement has stepped up demonstrations the past week, angered after Saleh deputized Vice President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi to negotiate a power-transfer deal. Many believe the move is just the latest of many delaying tactics.

At the same time, greater numbers of the powerful Republican Guards force, led by Saleh's son and heir apparent Ahmed and armed regime supporters have also been turning out in the streets in recent days, raising fears of a new bloody confrontation.

More than 100,000 protesters massed Sunday around the state television building and government offices, witnesses said. When the crowd began to march toward the nearby Presidential Palace, security forces opened fire, they said. Snipers fired down at the crowd from nearby rooftops, and plainclothes Saleh supporters armed with automatic rifles, swords and batons attacked the protesters. Protesters took control of a main bridge, closed off the entrances and set fire to tents in a camp used by pro-government forces.

"This peaceful protest was confronted by heavy weapons and anti-aircraft guns," said Mohammed al-Sabri, an opposition spokesman. He vowed that the intensifying protests "will not stop and will not retreat."

At the neighborhood of al-Zubairi in the heart of Sanaa, troops opened fire at an anti-government force, the 1st Armored Division led by Maj. Gen. Ali al-Ahmar, who defected to the opposition along with his 50,000 troops several months ago.

Witnesses said al-Ahmar's forces engaged in the fighting Sunday for the first time, but Abdel-Ghani al-Shemari, spokesman for al-Ahmar division denied that and said they are "maintaining self-restraint."

Tarek Noaman, a doctor at Sanaa field hospital, said that 26 protesters were shot dead and more than 200 were wounded. "Most of the injuries are at the chest, shoulder, head and face," he said, and said 25 of injured protesters were in critical condition.

He accused security forces of preventing ambulances from evacuating the wounded and collecting bodies of the slain protesters.

A Yemeni opposition television network carried live video of men carrying injured protesters on stretchers, including a motionless man whose face was covered with blood and eyes wrapped with bandages. Other young men were lying on the floor in the chaotic field hospital. Men on motorcycles rushed the injured from the square to field hospital.

Protesters throwing stones managed to break through security force lines and advance to near the Yemeni Republican Palace at the heart of Sanaa, turning the clashes with the security forces into street battles.

The Youth Revolution committee, which leads the protests, called on Yemenis to rally "day and night and everywhere in Yemen until we topple the remnants of the regime."

The Yemeni state news agency Saba quoted a security official as saying that the Muslim Brotherhood rallied "unlicensed protests" near the university of Sanaa, and "the militia threw firebombs at a power station, setting it on fire."

Though Saleh has been in Saudi Arabia since June, he has resisted calls to resign. Last week he deputized his vice president to discuss a Gulf-mediated, U.S.-backed deal under which he would step down in return for immunity from prosecution. Saleh has already backed away three times from signing the deal.

The U.S. once saw Saleh as a key ally in the battle against the dangerous Yemen-based al-Qaida branch, which has taken over parts of southern Yemen under cover of the political turmoil in the country. The U.S. withdrew its support of Saleh as the protests gained strength.

Later Sunday, Abdullah Oubal, a leading opposition member, charged that the violence was linked to the power deal.

"This is intentional. The hawks within the ruling regime are trying to abort efforts to seal the deal," he said.

Demonstrations also took place Sunday in many other Yemeni cities, including Taiz, Saada, Ibb and Damar.

? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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