Posted on Sep 22, 2010 | Comments 0
Infant or toddler vomiting also known as reflux sometimes makes parents worry especially for those who have their first babies. Toddler vomiting, however, is a normal pattern of life and would usually occur without anything to cause alarm.
There might be some serious instances that toddler vomiting should be taken into consideration. If toddler vomiting does not really affect a child?s weight, performance, and activity, then there is nothing to worry about.
But parents want the best for their children and do not even want to see their babies experience such a hassle. Vomiting might even be stressful to both babies and parents.
Toddler vomiting gives unpleasant taste for babies and it would usually make them feel sick. For parents, taking time to clean up the mess after the vomiting is not nice at all.
Babies usually put their fingers inside their mouth and sometimes deep enough to make them vomit. You may want to replace them with teethers as babies on the oral stage of development would really want to put something in their mouth.Babies also vomit when the food they take in does not really taste good or if babies are sensitive to certain kind of baby foods especially milk. Take time to check and observe what infant food your baby would take, but be cautious as well with the nutrition your baby gets from the food you choose.Ingestion of too much air while gulping the milk can also cause toddler vomiting. Make sure you get the right size of feeding bottle that fits your child?s mouth and correct the position of baby when feeding. Babies should not lie down flat during feeding. The head of the baby should be at least slightly higher than its body and preferably side lying position.Toddler vomiting is also caused by overfeeding babies. When babies cry, the first thing that comes to parents thought is to feed them. Crying is usually met when you feed hunger. That is not the case though. Babies are fond of crying to get the attention of parents. They do this when they long for touch and bonding. Parents should schedule milk feeding to prevent overfeeding that cause vomiting.In frequent cases of toddler vomiting, babies should be kept in an upright position for an hour after feeding. It would also help if the food they take in is thickened. Food formula that is prepared with so much liquid causes toddler vomiting.Other cases of toddler vomiting that should be given necessary attention are as follows:
when your baby is not gaining weightwhen your baby looks dehydrated and is accompanied by diarrheaWhen these kinds of reflux or vomiting occur, please visit your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Otherwise, your baby is having a normal stage of development.

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