Friday, May 18, 2012

Poll Watch: Fox News Survey on Same-Sex Marriage | Race 4 2012

Fox News Poll on Gay Marriage

Would you favor or oppose amending the U.S. Constitution to define marriage as being between a man and a woman? Is that strongly or just somewhat?

  • Strongly favor 29%
  • Somewhat favor 9%
  • Somewhat oppose 13%
  • Strongly oppose 40%

Among Democrats

  • Strongly favor 17%
  • Somewhat favor 9%
  • Somewhat oppose 9%
  • Strongly oppose 56%

Among Republicans

  • Strongly favor 45%
  • Somewhat favor 9%
  • Somewhat oppose 14%
  • Strongly oppose 23%

Among Independents

  • Strongly favor 30%
  • Somewhat favor 8%
  • Somewhat oppose 16%
  • Strongly oppose 37%

Do you believe gays and lesbians should be: 1. Allowed to get legally married, 2. Allowed a legal partnership similar to but not called marriage, or 3. Should there be no legal recognition given to gay and lesbian relationships??

  • Allowed to get legally married 37%
  • Allowed a legal partnership similar to but not called marriage 33%
  • No legal recognition given to gay and lesbian relationships 25%

Among Democrats

  • Allowed to get legally married 57%
  • Allowed a legal partnership similar to but not called marriage 25%
  • No legal recognition given to gay and lesbian relationships 15%

Among Republicans

  • Allowed to get legally married 13%
  • Allowed a legal partnership similar to but not called marriage 44%
  • No legal recognition given to gay and lesbian relationships 38%

Among Independents

  • Allowed to get legally married 34%
  • Allowed a legal partnership similar to but not called marriage 34%
  • No legal recognition given to gay and lesbian relationships 25%

Among Men

  • Allowed to get legally married 34%
  • Allowed a legal partnership similar to but not called marriage 29%
  • No legal recognition given to gay and lesbian relationships 31%

Among Women

  • Allowed to get legally married 39%
  • Allowed a legal partnership similar to but not called marriage 37%
  • No legal recognition given to gay and lesbian relationships 19%

As you may have heard, Barack Obama recently changed his position and now supports same-sex marriage. Which of the following do you think is the more likely reason Obama announced this now?

  • He decided same-sex marriage should be allowed and wanted to tell the American people 27%
  • He was pressured by same-sex marriage proponents and needed their campaign donations and support 62%

Among Democrats

  • He decided same-sex marriage should be allowed and wanted to tell the American people 46%
  • He was pressured by same-sex marriage proponents and needed their campaign donations and support 38%

Among Republicans

  • He decided same-sex marriage should be allowed and wanted to tell the American people 7%
  • He was pressured by same-sex marriage proponents and needed their campaign donations and support 88%

Among Independents

  • He decided same-sex marriage should be allowed and wanted to tell the American people 21%
  • He was pressured by same-sex marriage proponents and needed their campaign donations and support 71%

Twenty years from now, do you think same-sex couples will be able to marry in every state, most states, only a few states, or will they not be able to marry in any state?

  • Every state 26%
  • Most states 38%
  • Only a few states 22%
  • No states at all 8%

Among Democrats

  • Every state 39%
  • Most states 36%
  • Only a few states 18%
  • No states at all 5%

Among Republicans

  • Every state 14%
  • Most states 36%
  • Only a few states 31%
  • No states at all 11%

Among Independents

  • Every state 21%
  • Most states 44%
  • Only a few states 18%
  • No states at all 5%

Survey of 913 registered voters was conducted by Anderson Robbins Research (D)/Shaw & Company Research (R) May 13-15, 2012. The margin of error is ? 3 percentage points.??Party ID: 42% Democrat; 34% Republican; 20% Independent.

-Data compilation and analysis courtesy of?The Argo Journal

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