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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Scary Change Management Definitions - End State Change ...
I found something SCARY for today!
Change management is an approach to shifting/transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. It is an organizational process aimed at helping change stakeholders to accept and embrace changes in their business environment.[citation needed] In some project management contexts, change management refers to a project management process wherein changes to a project are formally introduced and approved.[1]
Kotter defines change management as the utilization of basic structures and tools to control any organizational change effort. Change management?s goal is to maximize an organization?s benefits and minimize the change impacts on workers and avoid distractions.[2]
Better to crawl into a cave of bats or lay on a bed of snakes or run through a tangle of spider webs than accept this definition of change management.
It is a fail because it makes CM seem like it is here to ?manage?.
No we do not ?shift? individuals, teams and organizations. (I picture a giant monster who lifts stakeholders up and sets them in a different place). We may help guide them to shifts. We may label something a ?transition? if that will help movement toward the end state. Basically individual choose to shift themselves. Maybe.
I am hereby erasing ?current state to future state? from my memory. When I wake up, after my self inflicted zap, I will stand up from the table and yell, ?I?m alive!!!!?. The WORST thing you can do when it comes to change is focus on the future in relation to the present. The second worst thing you can do is constantly remind yourself this is a ?desired? future. Think of an athlete visualizing a victory as a ?possible? outcome. They better have some real talent?
What you want is to see the present, past and path to an end state from the perspective of the end state. Stand out there and look back.
Accept change? So we are assuming all change has to be ?accepted?? And how do you go from ?acceptance? to embracement? Now THERE is a transition.
At least change the two words to understand and participate (in the) change.
(That next line is more commonly referred to as Change Control).
Don?t get me started on that screeching loud, horrifying Kotter definition. It sounds like Taylor-ism come to CM. Control CM? Really? And there is that word ?impact? again. That, short of ?at the end of the day?, has to be the most tired phrase in business. Distraction? Avoid distractions? Again, really?
I am sure I have many CM definitions buried inside this 730 posts and growing blog?
Here is another one (I don?t expect it to end up on Wikipedia):
Change Management is helping stakeholders to define end states for change, consider organizational history and the present from the perspective of the new future and create a path made up of individual expertise and effort to get to organizational benefit, growth and renewal.
Or something like that.
Minus the too-many-words, it just not seem as scary.
Be afraid of the Wikipedia change management definition.
Technorati Tags: change management blog, change management consultant, change management defiinitions, change management theory
Source: http://horizontalchange.com/2012/10/scary-change-management-definitions/
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Denver's Mayor Throws A Pot To Celebrate Arts Week ? CBS Denver

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock works on a pot for Denver Arts Week. (credit: CBS)
DENVER (CBS4)- Denver Mayor Michael Hancock took a seat behind a pottery wheel and learned how to throw a pot. But it could be as easy as visiting a local museum to celebrate Denver Arts Week.
Hancock spun the wheel and made his own creation at the Dry Ice Factory in the River North Arts District.
Denver Arts Week features 250 special events and most of them are free.
?We have been fortunate to really enjoy all the arts, whether it has been performing arts, live music, the galleries that are in our city. We are fortunate to live in a city that quite frankly, has a diversity of galleries and opportunities no matter what you want to do on a particular night, you have a lot of options in Denver,? said Hancock.
There is a free Arts Walk on Friday and a free Night at the Museums on Saturday.
Denver Arts Week takes place from Nov. 2-10. Learn more about what?s coming up at Denver.org/DenverArtsWeek/.
Source: http://denver.cbslocal.com/2012/10/31/denvers-mayor-throws-a-pot-to-celebrate-arts-week/
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Hurricane Sandy Demonstrates That the Insurance Industry Should ...
It?s Tuesday morning and I?m sitting in my Brooklyn apartment looking outside. On my street, the damage from Hurricane Sandy seems to be minimal, but unfortunately in other parts of the city and many other areas in the East Coast the situation is different.
In terms of economic toll, the damages caused by the hurricane might range, according to experts,?from $10 billion to $20 billion, which means there?s one sector who probably hates Sandy more than anyone else ? the insurance industry.
For insurance companies, Sandy is a real bummer ? according to Ceres, 2012 has been a much better year so far for property and casualty insurers than 2011, with a steep decline in the insured catastrophe losses (the government apparently is the one paying for the huge drought damages). Yet, insurance companies didn?t really need to wait for Sandy to see a clear trend of more frequent and severe extreme weather events.
For those in the insurance industry who still didn?t fully grasp it, Ceres? new report provides a very clear message: This accelerating trend ?could undermine some insurers? ability to manage and, in some cases, even survive, future catastrophic, weather-related loss events.? Stormy Future for U.S. Property/Casualty Insurers: The Growing Costs and Risks of Extreme Weather Events?connects the dots between climate change, extreme weather events, financial risks and economic losses. Like a skilled prosecutor during a trial, Ceres presents the evidence, building a very convincing case that no reasonable jury can reject.
The first exhibit is the growing insured losses due to extreme weather events. ?The value of insured losses due to weather perils has been trending upward over the past 30 years, with 2011 exacting an especially heavy toll. Overall, the estimated $44 billion of insured catastrophe and extreme weather losses in 2011 was second only to 2005 when Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma hit the Gulf Coast (with insured losses totaling approximately $60 billion).?
The second piece of evidence is the connection between climate change and the weather events. The report explains that ?the worldwide impacts of climate change are already discernible. Global average as well as land and ocean temperatures have increased.? Further evidence for this connection can be found in a growing number of reports, including a special IPCC report on extreme events, which notes that ?a changing climate leads to changes in the frequency, intensity, spatial extent, duration, and timing of extreme weather and climate events, and can result in unprecedented extreme weather and climate events.?
In fairness, it should be noted that when it comes to hurricanes, including Sandy, climate change is just part of the story, not all of it. ?It will always be a combination of both climate change and natural variability,? Todd Sanford, climate scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists told the Boston Globe. Nevertheless, as Elizabeth Colbert rightly wrote in the New Yorker earlier this week, ?As with any particular ?weather-related loss event,? it?s impossible to attribute Sandy to climate change. However, it is possible to say that the storm fits the general pattern in North America, and indeed around the world, toward more extreme weather, a pattern that, increasingly, can be attributed to climate change.?
The third link in the chain is the impact of the growing insured losses on the performance of the insurance companies. According to Ceres report, the overall profitability of the property/casualty insurance sector significantly lags behind other industries, and the return on equity (ROE) for all Fortune 500 companies has substantially exceeded the property/casualty sector ROE in every year since 1994. These poor results cannot be solely attributed to extreme weather losses, but nevertheless these losses play an important role in the increased vulnerability of the sector.
So let?s say insurance companies got it ? climate change causes more extreme weather events which in return cost the companies a lot of money ? what should they do about it? The report includes some useful recommendations for insurance companies, investors/rating agencies and regulators.
Ceres recommends that insurance companies look at their risk exposure and evaluate losses to insured property based on new and emerging weather patterns, not on past experience, and conduct and support further research on future weather and catastrophe patterns, update insurance rates to adequately reflect damages from higher frequency and severity of extreme weather events and promote the reduction of carbon emissions (in house and among customers).
While these recommendations, mostly relating to climate risk management, are all very important, one recommendation that is missing is to ensure that climate change will be part of the public and political discourse. Insurance companies have a direct interest in making climate change a top priority of policy makers as well as to increase the awareness of the public to its direct economic consequences ? after all, climate change doesn?t just put the companies under pressure but also insurance affordability and availability, which are two important elements in every market.
Will insurance companies be the canary in the climate change mine? I hope so, but the question is probably more when rather than if ? my guestimation is that with every hurricane this day is getting closer.
[Image credit: doxella, Flickr Creative Commons]
Raz Godelnik is the co-founder of Eco-Libris and an adjunct faculty at the University of Delaware?s Business School, CUNY SPS and the New School, teaching courses in green business, sustainable design and new product development. You can follow Raz on Twitter.
Scroll down to see comments.
Source: http://www.triplepundit.com/2012/10/insurance-companies-link-hurricane-sandy-climate-change/
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/i1-eAYTKFK0/
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Source: http://tradeintrade.blogspot.com/2012/10/ultimate-collection-of-self-improvement.html
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Most East Coast refineries not damaged by Sandy
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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/most-east-coast-refineries-not-damaged-sandy-185517690--finance.html
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Cafe Lynnylu-Food and Drink for Your Dining Pleasure: Black and ...
Although there is good detail in the image, it's very drab. In Camera Raw, the recovery, fill light, vibrance, and clarity numbers were increased just a little to enhance the photo before going through a series of filters and a texture was added. I usually use a tripod for shooting still life images, but was in a hurry and wanted to get this posted.
Image processed in Rad Lab and two layers of the texture "written" by?Kim Klassen?was added. Further adjustments were minor-levels and curves.To convert the image to black and white, a black and white conversion was done using Nik Efex 4.0, then an additional glamour glow filter was used.
Back in my early days of blogging, I wrote a very simple post on baking?Carnival Squash. Every Fall, it seems to be one of the most clicked posts of mine. More information on winter squash can be found?here.
Carnival Squash
Please do not use images or text without my permission.?
Source: http://cafelynnylu.blogspot.com/2012/10/black-and-white-wednesday-56-fall.html
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Mammoth storm Sandy plunges NYC into darkness
NEW YORK (AP) ? Much of New York was plunged into darkness Monday by a superstorm that overflowed the city's historic waterfront, flooded the financial district and subway tunnels and cut power to hundreds of thousands of people.
The city had shut its mass transit system, schools, the stock exchange and Broadway and ordered hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers to leave home to get out of the way of the superstorm Sandy as it zeroed in on the nation's largest city.
Residents spent much of the day trying to salvage normal routines, jogging and snapping pictures of the water while officials warned the worst of the storm had not hit.
By evening, a record 13-foot storm surge was threatening Manhattan's southern tip, howling winds had left a crane hanging from a high-rise and utilities deliberately darkened part of downtown Manhattan to avoid storm damage.
"It's really a complete ghost town now," said Stephen Weisbrot, from a powerless 10th-floor apartment in lower Manhattan.
Water lapped over the seawall in Battery Park City, flooding rail yards, subway tracks, tunnels and roads. Rescue workers floated bright orange rafts down flooded downtown streets, while police officers rolled slowly down the street with loudspeakers telling people to go home.
"Now it's really turning into something," said Brian Damianakes, taking shelter in an ATM vestibule and watching a trash can blow down the street in Battery Park before the storm surge.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the surge was expected to recede by midnight, after exceeding an original expectation of 11 feet.
"We knew that this was going to be a very dangerous storm, and the storm has met our expectations," he said. "This is a once-in-a-long-time storm."
About 670,000 customers were without power late Monday in the city and suburban Westchester County.
"This will be one for the record books," said John Miksad, senior vice president for electric operations at ConEdison. "This will be the largest storm-related outage in our history."
Because a customer is defined as an individual meter, the actual number of people affected is probably much higher.
It could be several days to a week before all residents who lost power during the storm get their lights back, Miksad said.
Shortly after the massive storm made landfall in southern New Jersey, Consolidated Edison cut power deliberately to about 6,500 customers in downtown Manhattan to avert further damage. Soon, huge swaths of the city went dark.
New York University's hospital lost backup power, Bloomberg said. Late Monday, an explosion at a substation at 14th Street and FDR Drive contributed to the outages. No one was injured, and ConEd did not know whether the explosion was caused by flooding or by flying debris.
The underground power lines that deliver electricity to much of New York City are much less vulnerable to outages than overhead lines because they aren't exposed to wind and falling trees or branches. But when damaged, they are harder to repair because the equipment is more difficult to access.
If substations are flooded while in operation, the equipment will fail and need to be replaced. If they are shut down in advance, workers can more quickly power up the machinery and restore service after floodwaters have receded.
Earlier Monday, another 1 million customers lost power in New York City, the northern suburbs and coastal Long Island, where floodwaters swamped cars, downed trees and put neighborhoods under water.
The storm had only killed one New York City resident by Monday night, a man who died when a tree fell on his home in the Flushing section of Queens.
The rains and howling winds, some believed to reach more than 95 mph, left a crane hanging off a luxury high-rise in midtown Manhattan, causing the evacuation of hundreds from a posh hotel and other buildings. Inspectors were climbing 74 flights of stairs to examine the crane hanging from the $1.5 billion building.
The facade of a four-story Manhattan building in the Chelsea neighborhood crumbled and collapsed suddenly, leaving the lights, couches, cabinets and desks inside visible from the street. No one was hurt, although some of the falling debris hit a car.
On coastal Long Island, floodwaters swamped cars, downed trees and put neighborhoods under water as beachfronts and fishing villages bore the brunt of the storm. A police car was lost rescuing 14 people from the popular resort Fire Island.
The city shut all three of its airports, its subways, schools, stock exchanges, Broadway theaters and closed several bridges and tunnels throughout the day as the weather worsened.
Earlier, some New Yorkers defiantly soldiered on, trying to salvage normal routines and refusing to evacuate, as the mayor ordered 375,000 in low-lying areas to do.
Tanja Stewart and her 7-year-old son, Finn, came from their home in Manhattan's TriBeCa neighborhood to admire the white caps on the Hudson, Finn wearing a pair of binoculars around his neck. "I really wanted to see some big waves," he said.
Keith Reilly posed in an Irish soccer jersey for a picture above the rising waters of New York Harbor with the Statue of Liberty in the background.
"This is not so bad right now," said the 25-year-old Reilly.
On Long Island, floodwaters had begun to deluge some low-lying towns. Cars floated along the streets of Long Beach and flooding consumed several blocks south of the bay, residents said.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, holding a news conference on Long Island where the lights flickered and his mike went in and out, said most of the National Guards deployed to the New York City area would go to Long Island.
Anoush Vargas drove with her husband, Michael to the famed Jones Beach Monday morning, only to find it covered by water.
"We have no more beach. It's gone," she said, shaking her head as she watched the waves go under the boardwalk.
Associated Press writers Karen Matthews, Colleen Long and Deepti Hajela in New York, Larry Neumeister, Frank Eltman and Meghan Barr on Long Island, and Seth Borenstein in Kensington, Md., contributed to this report.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/mammoth-storm-sandy-plunges-nyc-darkness-014428580.html
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Real-Money Gambling Platform, Betable, Signs Up Developers Slingo, Digital Chocolate, Murka; Private Beta ?Opening Up In Near Future?

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/ItWcCN8DF_g/
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External funding for August-September 2012 | TechPurdue | CoT ...
Written by TechPurdue ?//? October 29, 2012 ?//? Alumni & Friends, Aviation Technology, Business & Industry, Computer and Information Technology, Computer Graphics Technology, Current Students, Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology, Faculty & Staff, Latest College News, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Research, Technology Leadership and Innovation ?//? No comments
During August-September 2012, the College of Technology received external funding that totaled? $1,863,262.
Faculty who received funding (all are principal investigators unless otherwise noted) were:
- Nicoletta Adamo-Villani (Co-PI), Computer Graphics Technology, EXP: Collaborative Research: A System of Animation Gestures for Effective Teaching Avatars, National Science Foundation, $141,750
- Gary Bertoline, College of Technology Administration; Robert Herrick (Co-PI), Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology; Michael Dyrenfurth (Co-PI), Technology Leadership & Innovation; and Kathryne Newton (Co-PI), Technology Leadership & Innovation, Dual MS Degrees focused on Technology, Innovation & Sustainability ? Action 4, U.S. Department of Education, $66,796.
- Robert Bruce, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Boeing Drilling Process Testing, The Boeing Company, $9,995
- Christine Corum, Mechanical Engineering Technology, 2010-11 IPA Agreement, R.L. Roudebush Veterans Administration Medical Center, $28,250
- Jenny Daugherty, Technology Leadership & Innovation, An Examination of Science and Technology Teachers Conceptual Learning Through Concept-Learning Based Engineering Professional Development; Amendment 1, Black Hills State University, $105,713
- Nathalie Duval-Couteil, Technology Leadership & Innovation, Synthesis for Student IP Best Practices and Policy Development, National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance, $5,000
- Thomas Hacker (Co-PI), Computer and Information Technology, NEES Operations:? FY 2010-FY2014 ? Amend 18, National Science Foundation, $212,500
- Qingyou Han (Co-PI), Mechanical Engineering Technology, Purdue School of Materials Engineering ? Nanshan Aluminum Research Plan, Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co Ltd, $140,000
- Bradley Harriger, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Advanced Aerospace Manufacturing Education and Training Initiative Year 3, El Camino College, $59,526
- Nathan Hartman, Computer Graphics Technology, Product Lifecycle Management Center of Excellence (PLM), General Motors Foundation, $15,000
- Todd Kelley (Co-PI), Technology Leadership & Innovation, STEM Educational Impacts Delivered Through an Original Undergraduate Science Experiment in ISS, National Aeronautics And Space Administration, $6,721
- Chad Laux, Technology Leadership & Innovation, Funding for Graduate Student, Purdue University Special Initiative Program, $20,894
- Eric Matson, Computer and Information Technology, CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Methodologies for Engineering with Plug-and-Learn Components: Formal Synthesis and Analysis Across Abstraction Layers, National Science Foundation, $350,000
- James Mohler (Co-PI), College of Technology Administration; and Eric Matson (Co-PI), Computer and Information Technology, POSTECH Fellowship-Graduate Degree Collaboration, Pohang University of Science & Technology, $451,440
- Marcus Rogers, Computer and Information Technology, Forensic Seminars, Multi-Sponsored Industrials, $9,000
- Phillip Sanger, Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology, Exciting Senior Capstone Projects Solving U.S. Air Force Challenges, Western Carolina University $35,025
- John Springer and Jeffrey Brewer (Co-PI), Computer and Information Technology, Virtual Tissue Bank project ? Additional Funding, Indiana University Purdue University At Indianapolis, $195,652
- Julia Taylor (Co-PI), Computer and Information Technology, Fall 2012 Symposium on Artificial Intelligence of Humor, National Science Foundation, $9,000
- Ronald Sterkenburg, Aviation Technology, VARTM Training for NAVAIR, Naval Air Systems Command, $1,000
The amounts listed are disbursements in a specific month and may not reflect the entire amount of a project?s funding.
About the Author
The Purdue University College of Technology educates the future managers and leaders of technologies; accelerates technology transfer to business, industry, government, and education; and develops innovations in the application of emerging technology through learning, discovery, and engagement. Each of the college?s seven departments is focused on putting concepts into practice through courses and research that are responsive to world challenges, relevant to industry needs and aimed at results that make a difference.
View all posts by TechPurdue
Source: http://blog.tech.purdue.edu/techpurdue/2012/10/29/external-funding-for-august-september-2012/
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Video: Hurricane Sandy Rocks the Vote
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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/cnbc/49594769/
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The Shoebox Inn House Tour | Apartment Therapy
Name: Carol and Jeff Sayre
Location: Seaview, Washington
Size: 500 Square Ft
Years lived in: 12 years ? own
The Sayre family bought their vacation home in Seaview, Washington twelve years ago. This one bedroom cottage is blocks from the waterfront in a sleepy coastal town just 3 hours south of Seattle. Now spending most of their time up north in the city, the Sayres have opened their home to guests and family friends who need a quiet getaway. Welcome to the Shoebox Inn.
When my friend Mike emailed me about his family vacation home, I realized what an opportunity it would be to show how compact living can be comfortable and functional, even when sleeping up to 6 people. Carol expressed her desire to stay thrifty, cozy and welcoming in the design of The Shoebox Inn. She feels that when designing a home it is most important to have "things around that you love but that also function efficiently. Make sure there are comfortable places to read with adequate lighting. That's what makes me feel most at home in a dwelling."
This cozy small town was like the set of movie; everyone seems to know each other in town, everything is locally grown and supported? and there is no need for glitzy state-of-the-art anything. Most specifically, Carol says the 1957 Zenith Range holds high significance in the home. "I'm sure it was the height of modern luxury and convenience when it was first made. It reigns like the "homecoming queen" in the kitchen, setting just the right mood."
With a home in Seattle and their two sons in Los Angeles, there were many influences and ideas that came together throughout the years in this vacation home. "Both of our sons live in Los Angeles. One works in the film industry and the other in design. I think there is a little bit of a Hollywood set "feel" about "The Shoebox Inn." Because of the great movie tradition of Los Angeles, there probably are few homes that aren't influenced in some way by the culture of Los Angeles, either directly or indirectly."
Apartment Therapy Survey:
Our Style: Vintage Thrift Store Chic.
Inspiration: My Grandma Betty, a woman who had both an atheistic eye and a good sense of practicality.
Favorite Element: The nod to the 50's feel of the kitchen.
Biggest Challenge: Sleeping the whole family in such a small space. There was only one bedroom, so we had to think like we were on a ship. We managed to get two sets of bunks and a full size bed in the room by taking out the only closet and filling in the doorway from the bedroom to the kitchen. We replaced the lost closet space with storage baskets under the bunks. The new wall also gave us a place to put a dining room table in the kitchen.
What Friends Say: We all like to get away and one of my favorite things about owning the house is letting our friends stay. It feels good when they express appreciation for the look of the house, but we love hearing about the fun things they did in the area even more. This corner of the Northwest Washington Coast has really managed to stay unspoiled ? no outlet malls, casinos or massive resorts blot the landscape. Thus the Long Beach Peninsula has the feeling of yesteryear about it. I think our friends appreciate that as much as anything.
Biggest Embarrassment: Booking two friends to stay at "The Shoebox Inn" for the same weekend.
Proudest DIY: Making built-ins so that a 500 square foot house could work for a family of six. I also like the black and white diamond painted porch. My friend Cynthia helped paint it. It was a bit time consuming, but it greatly helped the street appeal of the cottage.
Biggest Indulgence: We have a few prints, but try to buy original art as much as possible. We've made a game of collecting art for the beach house by putting ourselves on a thrift store budget. The cottage is cute and cozy, but because nothing is overly valuable, we don't worry about what might happen to the stuff when others stay. With the exception of one picture, we spent no more than $35 on any one piece of artwork in the cottage. Sometimes I'll get a painting at a second hand store and frame it with some great frame from a garage sale to improve the look. A good frame can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Best Advice: When decorating a vacation house, put your guests above your possessions. Be willing to share your home. It only increases your joy of ownership.
Dream Sources: My primary home, which has a different feel than the beach house, has an old world European feel ? perhaps even monastic in places. I love the inspiration of many French and English magazines, especially old ones from the 90's, but I try to incorporate the looks in a uniquely American way.
Resources of Note:
* Carol noted that everything in the home was either brought over from their home in Seattle or purchased at thrift and vintage shops. She never spent more than $35 on any of the artwork in the home.
Thanks, Carol and Jeff!
(Images: Bethany Nauert)
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Source: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/the-shoebox-inn-a-family-owned-vacation-home-house-tour-179476
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Israel's Likud to vote on merger with Lieberman
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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/israels-likud-vote-merger-lieberman-092135268.html
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No Comments - Horror Writers Association
I arrived at the Javits Center in New York City for the BookExpo?an oversized, rolling suitcase in hand to tote back all of those advanced copies of my novel that I would surely fail to give away. Inside, the Javits Center was somewhat aesthetically pleasing in that express, faux-luxury-hotel kind of way. Yet, mainly it was a beehive of suited and badged industry folks, shuffling as quickly as possible through the aisles and offshoots lined with publishers and author?s associations?some of which by this time next year will have gone under.
But book-signings aren?t supposed to be a time for pessimism and jadedness. I was, in fact, heading toward the Horror Writers Association booth for perhaps my only chance to autograph books for a captive audience. I had written a bloody, despicable, hilarious, trashy and pseudo-philosophical horror novel. Or, that was what my pseudonym whispered into my ear every night when I fantasized about characters for some newfangled fiction. ?Brilliant!? my pseudonym reassures me. ?Maybe just a little pretentious and deplorable,? is what I tell him with my thoughts, but someone has to reassure you when your chosen obsession is to make things up.
I digress: the Expo. I arrived at the booth quite early and had the chance to chat with my fellow HWA members. They, too, seemed like well-mannered men?not the types who yearned to terrorize their audience. Secretly (or not so secretly) I am compelled to titillate and frighten you, but with oddly constructed sentences; a narrative voice you can?t get out of your head; and the surreal, starkly imagined settings where anything can happen. That person named ?Leland? who, although not so brilliant, definitely has one foot inside a succubus? netherworld where:
- The maps of a tormented cartographer erode physical reality
- A rambunctious thirteen-year-old girl dies simply from the terror of her mother?s disappearance, only to rise from the dead having contracted autism after suffering through the paralysis of nonexistence
- The conjoined-twin bloodsuckers who date back to the Civil War and?having forgone taking live victims?find redemption and God, form a Pentecostal church, and retrieve blood from their devoted congregants
- And, this newly devised character of mine: in love with her voyeuristic psychiatrist, this woman firmly believes she is Sharon Tate and that she?s been pregnant for more than forty years
I continued to chat with my horror writer compatriots. Nice men, humble. And then, droves of people hungry for free books strolled by our booth. ?The Blood Poetry,? a woman commented. ?I don?t really read poetry.?? I responded, ?It?s actually a novel.?? I did, in fact, manage to autograph, give away, and pitch this small and murderous tale. I, too, didn?t look the part of the author of literary bloodletting: I normally go to hairstylists (no barber for this guy), wear those ?skinny jeans,? blazers, a pleasant smile, and can chat up most girls? mamas. ?Don?t sign my name,? some of the would-be fans instructed. ?Just sign your name.?? I thought this was odd, but someone told me that in the off-chance I would become an actual known?and recognized?human being, they?d be able to sell my identity on Ebay. I signed and signed. Was I even autographing the books in the correct place? I met a blogger; a publicist; a publisher who swore she?d read my novel and review it in her fabulous online magazine; a cinematographer attempting to drum-up business for authors dying to make book trailers; and a woman who was trying to pitch a ?Do It Yourself? MFA program.
Finally, I managed to give away all of my books. It was an odd feeling: there were now dozens out in the ether, but I wasn?t sure anybody would bother to read them. ?But that?s OK,? my pseudonym continued to reassure me, ?at least that suitcase is empty, right??? I?m not sure I yearn to be famous, per se. Well, that?s actually a complete lie. I?d like for you to be intrigued just enough to consider perusing the opening pages of The Blood Poetry?a novel for which I was hired to be a ?ghost writer.?? The actual author is my pseudonym, that other Leland, who?s always around the corner in the back alley of my other brain?his bloody mouth agape and begging for me to ?speak? for him. I do indulge him every-now-and-then. Yes, for the most part, BookExpo America 2012 was a success, and the other Leland thought so as well. Of course, I couldn?t compete with the other literary rock-stars at The Expo who, too, had written brilliant books to promote: Jimmy Fallon, Kirstie Alley, and Michael Bolton. I wondered if they had pseudonyms and doppelgangers who fed their delirious, mildly dangerous obsessions. I wondered what Michael Bolton?s doppelganger looked like. It?s probably just a replica of his younger self?twirls of long hair that draped past his shoulders, despite the bald spot on top. Did Kirstie Alley?s double run amok with her mouth agape, constructing the dazzling and red-hot phraseology of mad women?? The Javits Center and all of that expo mumbo-jumbo excited me for one afternoon. To the phenoms who traipsed through the catacombs of that edifice with great ambition on their sleeves: I was a literary compatriot with something big and bold to exclaim. They surely didn?t notice me?and may never discover The Blood Poetry?but for at least one stark moment while approaching sleep in the very near future, they?ll listen.
TODAY?S GIVEAWAY: Leland Pitts=Gonzalez is offering one singed paperback copy of The Blood Poetry. To enter post a comment in the section below or e-mail memoutreach@horror.org and put HH CONTEST ENTRY in the header. Winners will be chosen at random and notified by e-mail.
Leland studied Creative Writing and Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University where he discovered the enormous possibilities of poetry, experimentation, and critical theory. He eventually earned an MFA in Writing from Columbia University on a merit fellowship. He has published fiction in Open City, Fence, Dark Sky Magazine, Drunken Boat, and Monkey Bicycle, among other literary journals. He is also the project director of literary event series, Phantasmagoria: Language and Technology of Suffering,for which he received fiscal sponsorship from the New York Foundation for the Arts. He lives in Brooklyn, NY. His website is http://www.thebloodpoetry.com.
Where to buy The Blood Poetry: Amazon: amazon.com/author/lelandpittsgonzalez; Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-blood-poetry-leland-pitts-gonzalez/1112113242; Powell?s: http://www.powells.com/biblio/61-9781935738244-1;
Praise for The Blood Poetry
?If one new horror book out there embodies the intelligence of great literary fiction with the best elements of psychological horror, The Blood Poetry has to be it.?? Horror Talk
?A brilliant, brutal assault of a novel?raw, twisted, and compulsively readable.?? Shelf Unbound Magazine
The Blood Poetry: An Excerpt
It?s home and the desolate landscape: couch, remote control, the mother vampirism hair particles in the dryer, the intangibles (e.g., dead spermicidal ideas, living-or-not, the soul of the refrigerator with the imagined heads of my undead mother?s defiled, the lists, the watches that stopped working in my childhood, the britches, a humming that never goes away because I?m deaf to love, my wife?s ankles that I desire, my nightmares, memories of the pillow cases I came on, the other things and, oh yeah? , that).? Sylvia bobbles over to the kitchen table and lights a cigarette.? She smokes?? Since when?? Do I enable this behavior?
?Please don?t smoke in my house, daughter.?
She ashes into a flower pot with a dead plant in it.? Where, forever, there are dead things waiting to be revived.? I mean, the damned buds had souls too, you know!
?Did you guys stop having sex or something?? she asks.? ?Did you cheat on her??
Bang, bang, the upstairs vampire lurks like a debauched bed sheet, floating into the walls, into the door, listlessly armoring herself against the living.? Ah, the living.
I avoid her question and look at her.
?Just don?t smoke in my bedroom, OK??
?I?d never go in there.? The place freaks me out.?? She nods her head like she?s falling asleep, but I see she?s got the phone next to her, waiting to call whomever will fetch the wished-for wife.? My Sylvia, the antidote for all things undead.
?Mom wouldn?t leave me, Papa.? I mean, she had her books and things, her fantasies.? You know what she used to tell me when I was little??
?That I was a bad father.?
?No.? That she was royalty or something, but there?s no aristocracy in America, you know.?
I picture Abby in Sylvia?s bed, floating over the sleepy child, tumbling out fairy tales of her unknown life.? Abby had listless, brown hair and a puckery grin.? She mumbled when she spoke and everything sounded like cotton, but she made you laugh nonetheless.
I pace and pace.? I could go on like this for hours staring at the daughter, Sylvia, stammering for the right thing to say, what to wear to her funeral, to breathe the right air, to blemish her with a kiss.? It?s a stifling, hot beast in this house.? Maybe I should crash the car through the front window for some god damned ventilation. ?My life needs a good airing.? The pieces of the puzzle are before you, my dears, you just need to connect the dots.? The dots!
?I swear she?ll come back, Sylvia,? I say, not meaning it at all.? ?She loves you more than she loves the rest of us humanoids. ?We are just place holders in her life, while you, well, you?re a whole friggin book.?
She picks up the phone, puts it down, looks around, sniffles, picks up the phone, dials, hangs up, sniffles, takes a drag on the cig, ashes it in the dead flower pot, looks up toward the vampire banging somewhere upstairs in flight, puts the phone down, dials, then dials.
?Shit,? I mutter.? ?She?s done it.?
?Hello, yes, I?d like to report a missing person.?? She takes a stifling drag on the cig, etc., and penetrates the receiver with her womanly voice.? ?It?s my mother.? She hasn?t come home since last night and it?s not like her . . . I haven?t seen her today . . . I don?t know how old she is, uh, maybe thirty-six or whatever . . . can?t you just send someone over here quick and get helicopters and horses and rile the troops to find my mother? . . . my dad thinks it?s drugs, but I think that?s a lie, but what does that have to do with anything? . . . it explains nothing, just come over, I?ll give you the address, my father is here, but he?s in some kind of trance . . . he?s always like that, like my whole life.?
She hangs up after giving the cops our address.? ?They?re coming,? she says.
?For real?? Like real friggin cops??
I pace, I stammer, my voice trembles on the femurs of the world, I punctuate a thought I want to deliver to the daughter, but I can?t remember what I?m about to tell her?my entire life story, it is.
We stare at each other.? I look at the floor.? I pick up a dirty pot on the stove, put it back down, pick it up again, I walk to the sink and turn on the faucet, off, then on, then check if the water is warm, then take a sip, then think, think!? ?You?re mother was very sick, you see.?
?What are you saying??? She hunkers as if this would get her closer to me.
?She had secretions.?
?Why are you speaking about her in the past tense??
?Well, if she were here, I?d say is, but I choose to say was, for no purpose whatsoever but to . . . to, to just say some friggin thing!?
?Don?t get mad.?? She sucks on the last of her cig.? She stands up, walks over to me, to me, and hugs my torso.? She smells like female deodorant and smoke and I get squeamish, but I let her do it.? ?What do you mean by secretions??
?Well, you know, a female thing,? I say.
?You mean, a period??
?Is that what you call it??
?Are you ten or something??
?No, but,? and she doesn?t understand the lure of it all, the sampling of ooze that can drive a vampire insane, the blistering of the mind, ?it was just secretions, OK??
?I don?t get it,? she says.
?I just wish I could see her right now.?
She unhugs me and lights another cigarette.? ?You don?t make any sense.?
She reaches in my back pocket, her palm up against my butt, and pulls out an apple core.? ?Why do you have an apple core in your back pocket??
?Your mother used to eat those apples.?
Sylvia puts the core in the garbage, then sits.
And then I remember the cops are coming.? ?Friggin fucking mother humpers!? The cops?ll be here!? You get your poor dad all riled up with the cops coming to our house!? Do you realize what we?re hiding upstairs??? Then I know I have said too much.
Tags: Halloween Haunts 2012, horror, HWA, Leland Pitts-Gonzalez
This entry was posted on Monday, October 29th, 2012 at 4:00 am and is filed under Events, Halloween. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
Source: http://www.horror.org/blog/?p=2881
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Comments - Victoria Advocate

New jobs and senior living options are headed to Victoria as one construction project gets off the ground.
Ground will be broken Tuesday on Twin Pines North Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, a senior living centergoing in at the corner of Mallette Street and Briggs Boulevard.
Twin Pines' Mockingbird Lane location has been in business more than 30 years, and demand was there for another site, said Phillip Hopkins, the company's vice president of operations.
"We're basically full," he said. "We needed more beds and decided to build an upscale Twin Pines North."
The incoming 61,000-square-foot senior living community follows a lodge look with exposed timbers at the porch area, main entry and chapel, according to a news release by Jamail & Smith Construction, the project's managers. A staggered wall corridor minimizes the institutional look and feel.
Common areas will include a soda shop, chapel, private dining and a gathering courtyard with an exterior fireplace, Darrel Smith, vice president of Jamail & Smith's Senior Living division, said in the release.
Two therapy units, including one that can handle outpatient therapy, are also planned.
"This project is a purely custom design, following current trends in design for skilled nursing facilities and incorporating three neighborhoods, each with its own country kitchen and dining, living/recreational areas, sunrooms and exterior patios," Smith said in the release.
In total, the project will mean 90 beds - 60 private rooms and 30 semi-private rooms. The center will serve as Twin Pines's flagship site.
The new community will also add 175 new jobs to the local economy, according to the news release.
Jamail & Smith Construction will manage a variety of factors for Twin Pines North, including site design, architecture, life safety, furniture fixes and other interior finishes, according to the release.
The company brought on Perkins+Will as lead architect, Faulkner Design Group for interior design, Encotech as MEP engineer and Urban Engineering for civil engineering.
Hopkins said construction will take at least a year and, although he isn't yet ready to book rooms, he's already received calls from people looking to make reservations.
"I just can't wait for it to get started so we can have the grand opening and see the finished product," he said. "We are very excited."
• WHAT: Twin Pines North Nursing and Rehabilitation Center ground breaking
• WHEN: Noon Tuesday
• WHERE: Corner of Mallette Street and Briggs Boulevard
• FOR MORE INFO: Call 361-576-9454
Source: http://www.victoriaadvocate.com/news/2012/oct/29/am_twin_pines_103012_192326/
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Storm sets off frantic rush for supplies across East Coast
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Good luck buying lanterns, generators, propane, or - if you are really unprepared - rain boots and batteries in areas in the path of Hurricane Sandy as it bears down on the U.S. East Coast.
The approach of the gigantic storm, which is expected to come ashore on Monday night set off a weekend scramble for supplies from Virginia to New England, causing long lines at gas stations, bare shelves at hardware and home-supply shops, and a run on bread, bottled water and canned foods.
"It's been crazy. We're the only one open who still has gas," said Karen Tripodi, a customer service representative at Cumberland Farms, a gas station and market in Newington, Connecticut. "They're coming in for propane, ice, water, milk and cigarettes."
Forecasters described the "super storm" as a rare hybrid created by an Arctic jet stream wrapping itself around a tropical storm, possibly dumping up to 12 inches of rain in some areas, as well as heavy snowfall inland.
With big population centers including New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Baltimore and Boston in the storm's path, city and state officials held a stream of news conferences to announce mass transit shutdowns, school closures and tips for riding out the storm.
Many took the warnings to heart. At a Lowe's store in Bowie, Maryland, the hot-selling items included generators, batteries, sandbags, sand, water, emergency radios, tarps, dry ice, lanterns, plywood, gas cans, propane, rain boots and rain suits.
Manager Eric Williams said, "It seems to be a very busy day, but controlled."
At Cosey Beach, Connecticut, which was under an evacuation order, homeowners scrambled to pack and board up windows.
"I can't imagine what kind of damage this will do," said Melissa Stone as she helped her father prepare to leave his home. "It makes me sick, I can't even think about it."
On its current projected track, Sandy is most likely to make landfall in the New York/New Jersey area and head inland toward Philadelphia, forecasters said. Many of the 50 million people in the storm's path have rushed to prepare.
Authorities expect widespread power outages, and many residents bought generators in case power lines were brought down. Flashlights and batteries also were in demand.
The storm is expected to play havoc with road, rail and air transportation. New York City's subway, bus and train service will be suspended on Sunday evening. Only once before have transportation officials taken such a step -- when Hurricane Irene slammed the city in 2011.
Some people thought the precautions a little much.
While Mayor Bloomberg ordered the evacuation of some low-lying areas of New York City that are home to around 375,000 people, some refused to budge.
"We're staying put," said Dr. Gerry Casey, an emergency room doctor at Kings County hospital in Queens who lives one block from the beach in Belle Harbor, within the evacuation zone.
He said he wanted to keep an eye on his house and had 10 sandbags ready and a pile of sand and empty bags in his basement. "If I'm here and it's still rising, I could still board up the windows."
Others were less sanguine, including Loretta Henke, 65, a retired teacher waiting at New York's Pennsylvania Station to catch one of the last trains heading out to Long Island.
"This may be foolish, but I'm going out to my daughter's house," she said, adding that she was worried that if she waited any longer she would not be able to get out of Manhattan in time for Halloween. "My daughter said, 'Just come tonight,' and I want to be with family."
E.J. Shindledecker, the owner of Sharky's restaurant in Dewey Beach, Delaware, said he was puzzled by the number of visitors wandering about on Sunday, when Rehoboth planned to host its popular Sea Witch Festival. It was later canceled.
"I see families with little kids walking up and down the street in front of the restaurant and I'm thinking, 'why are you here?'" said Shindledecker. "I didn't see that much traffic going north and I'm thinking 'You got to get out of here.'"
(Additional reporting by Daniel Lovering in Massachusetts, Barbara Goldberg in New Jersey, Mary Ellen Godin in Connecticut, Medina Roshan in Maryland and Tom Hals in Pennsylvania; Writing by David Bailey; Editing by Paul Thomasch and David Brunnstrom)
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/storm-sets-off-frantic-rush-supplies-across-us-223701851.html
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Energy markets rise on Sandy, insurers fall
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. gasoline and heating oil futures gained while U.S. Treasuries also rose on Monday, as economic worries over Hurricane Sandy fuelled safe-haven buying in thin trading as the powerful storm began to batter the U.S. East Coast.
The storm closed Wall Street on the anniversary of the 1929 stock market crash. It was the stock market's first weather-related closure in 27 years, and other markets closed early as investors braced for the impact of Sandy, one of the biggest storms ever to slam the U.S. eastern seaboard.
U.S. stock and bond markets will be closed on Tuesday, but the two-largest U.S. stock exchange operators, NYSE Euronext and Nasdaq OMX Group, intend to reopen Wednesday, conditions permitting.
Trading was thin in U.S. foreign exchange, fixed income, precious metals and energy markets as public transportation was shut in New York and parts of lower Manhattan were evacuated.
"You have uncertainties now. You have these safe haven purchases. People are trying to figure out the economic impact from the storm," said Larry Milstein, head of government and agency trading at R.W. Pressprich & Co in New York.
"Right now it's the easy way to buy Treasuries and wait to see what happens," Milstein said.
Benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury notes traded 8/32 higher in price to yield 1.7206 percent.
U.S. heating oil futures gained, touching the highest level relative to U.S. crude oil on record, as dealers hedged against the risk of power outages and flooding from Sandy that could damage refineries and keep production shut for weeks.
The crack spread, the difference in value between a barrel heating oil and a barrel of crude oil, touched $45.15 a barrel.
"Markets will be watching for reports of damage to energy infrastructure, notably refineries, post-Sandy, given the state of extremely low gasoil inventories as we move into winter season," Deutsche Bank analysts said.
Gasoline futures reached $2.8115 a gallon, the highest since October 17, before paring gains as traders factored in the reduced demand for fuel with the almost total shut-down of eastern seaboard roads and airports.
In Europe stocks, led by insurers, fell on expectations Sandy-related damage will boost claims, while political jitters in debt-laden Italy cast shadows on the euro zone.
Reinsurers Swiss Re and Hannover RE led a weaker European insurance sector index as the market tried to foresee the clean-up costs of Sandy.
"We are seeing insurers slide and we've sold a bit of Aviva and RSA," said Ed Woolfitt, head of trading at Galvan Research.
Euro zone blue chips shed 0.7 percent to 2,478.84 points after former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi threatened to bring down the government of his successor, Mario Monti, which has appeased markets with its austerity agenda.
The broader MSCI world equity index lost 0.26 percent to 327.74 points - on track for its worst monthly performance since May as doubts grow over the effect of the latest round of central bank efforts to boost activity.
The euro fell against the dollar and yen, hurt by uncertainty over whether Greece can agree to a deal on austerity and with no sign of when Spain might request aid.
The single currency was expected to stay subdued against the dollar and the yen, with investors preferring safe-haven currencies on renewed worries about weak earnings from top companies in the region.
The single currency was down 0.3 percent at $1.2898, not far from a two-week low of $1.2881.
The dollar rose to a session high against the yen ahead of a Bank of Japan policy review on Tuesday at which the central bank is expected to further ease monetary policy.
The dollar was last up 0.2 percent at 79.80, the session peak.
U.S. consumer spending rose solidly in September, putting the economy on a firmer footing heading into the fourth quarter even though households had to pull back on saving to fund purchases.
But the rise in consumer spending will mask a pullback late in the year as businesses hold investments in anticipation of higher taxes and cuts in federal spending that will kick in beginning early next year if Congress doesn't act, said Ellen Zentner, senior U.S. economist at Nomura Securities in New York.
Positive surprises, including third-quarter U.S. growth data and signs of stabilization in China, have failed to persuade investors that the world economy can achieve lasting growth as multinational global companies have forecast weak revenues.
(Reporting by Herbert Lash; Editing by David Gregorio and Steve Orlofsky)
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/asian-shares-edge-higher-u-growth-002856800--finance.html
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Obama aims to project leadership as storm hits
WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama the candidate stepped aside Monday so the commander in chief could take over.
In the waning days of his re-election bid, the president scraped two days of campaigning and retreated from the trail. He hunkered down at the White House to oversee the government's response to the East Coast superstorm ? and to project presidential leadership.
"The election will take care of itself next week," Obama said, speaking to reporters at the White House after hastily flying back to Washington from Florida, one of the handful of states the two campaigns are contesting the hardest.
Obama aides insisted that was not only the right decision, but also an easy one. Even with Obama locked in a tight race with Republican Mitt Romney, the president would have risked appearing to put politics over the public's safety had he pressed on with his travel plans. And that could have been enough to turn off some still-persuadable voters at a critical juncture in the campaign.
Now Obama has the opportunity ? and the responsibility ? to show the type of command in a crisis that only the president can offer. While Romney can make symbolic gestures, like canceling his own campaign events Monday and Tuesday, he doesn't have the power to provide tangible assistance.
"The president has real responsibilities and those responsibilities come first," said David Axelrod, the president's chief campaign strategist.
Of course, Obama's response to the storm still had plenty to do with politics. And he used both his words and his actions to sharpen the contrast between a candidate running for president and a candidate who already is president.
After returning to the White House Monday morning, Obama walked through the rain straight into the Oval Office. He convened a meeting with top government officials in the Situation Room. And later, standing behind a podium bearing the presidential seal, he appealed to politically divided Americans to put their differences aside during the storm.
"We look out for our friends, we look out for our neighbors and we set aside whatever issues we may have otherwise to make sure that we respond appropriately and with swiftness and that's exactly what I anticipate is going to happen here," he said.
Much of what Obama planned to do this week at the White House ? hold briefings, authorize federal funding and stay in touch with officials in states affected by the storm ? could have easily been done from the road. The White House sets up secure Internet and phone connections wherever he travels and many of his briefings, even when he's in Washington, are done over the phone or video conference.
Some aides mentioned that to the president as they contemplated how they would balance Obama's robust campaign travel schedule with the impending storm. But those discussions didn't last long. Obama told advisers he needed to be at the White House.
"This is one of the circumstances where in his view it makes the most sense for him to be in place in the White House," press secretary Jay Carney said on Air Force One's bumpy flight straight into the storm.
Obama's team had planned to kick off the final full week of campaigning with a trio of joint rallies with former President Bill Clinton. The two presidents were supposed to spend Monday dashing from Florida to Ohio to Virginia rallying Democratic supporters and trying to sway the small swath of undecided voters.
Even as it became clear the storm might disrupt some of those plans, the president did everything he could to squeeze in just a little more time on the campaign trail.
Obama moved up a flight to Orlando, Fla., where his first event with Clinton was scheduled, from Monday morning to Sunday night in order to get ahead of the storm.
But even before Air Force One departed Washington, the Virginia event was canceled. By the time the president's plane landed in Florida, aides scraped the second stop in Ohio and planned for the president to get back to Washington early.
The campaign made one last attempt early Monday to salvage the Florida event, weighing whether they could start early and still get back to Washington safely. But they quickly gave in to the storm, sending Clinton to the Florida event on his own and Obama back to Washington.
Follow Julie Pace at http://twitter.com/jpaceDC
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/obama-aims-project-leadership-storm-hits-194830747--politics.html
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